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  • J. Shen, X. Fan, Z. Chen, M. F.DeCamp, H. Zhang, J.Q.Xiao "Damping modulated Terahertz emission for ferromagnetic films excited by ultrafast laser pulses, Accepted Applied Physics Letters (2012)
  • Z. Chen, and \textbf{M.F. DeCamp} ``Coherent optical phonons in bismuth detected through a surface plasmon resonance." Accepted Journal of Applied Physics (2012)
  • Y. Gao and M.F. DeCamp "Generation of acoustic pulses from a photo-acoustic transducer measured by time-resolved x-ray diffraction" Applied Physics Letters 100 191903 (2012)


  • Z. Chen, Y. Gao, B.C. Minch, and M.F. DeCamp "Time-domain optical and Terahertz spectroscopy of bismuth germinate," J. Physics: Condensed Matter 23 385402 (2011)
  • Z. Chen, Y. Gao, and M.F. DeCamp, "Retrieval of terahertz spectra through ultrafast electro-optic modulation," Applied Physics Letters 99 011106 (2011)
  • B.L. Wen, A.M. Watts, L.E. Howard, M. Videtto, C. Mancuso, S.J. Wells, T. Stanev, M.F. DeCamp, and B.C. Walker "Polarization Dependence of Carbon Fragments from Methane in a Strong Laser Field," J. of Phys. B, 44 045604 (2011).