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==Problem 1: Three Ising spins ==
==Problem 1: Ferromagnetic quantum spin chain: Many-body eigenstates and eigenenergies  for three interacting spins with periodic boundary conditions ==
Assume three spins <math> s_1, s_2, s_3 </math> are arranged in an equilateral triangle with each spin interacting with its two neighbors. The energy expression for the Ising model in an external magnetic field <math> h </math> is given by:
Consider three spin-1/2 located on three lattice sites of a quantum Heisenberg ferromagnetic chain with periodic boundary conditions, i.e., spins on site 1 and 3 are assumed to interact via exchange coupling <math> J>0 </math>. With both the spin-spin interaction and Zeeman term with a magnetic field <math> B </math> in the ''z''-direction, the Hamiltonian of the system is given by  

<math> H = -J(s_1s_2 + s_2 s_3 + s_3 s_1) - h (s_1 + s_2 + s_3) </math>  
<math> \hat{H}_\mathrm{FM} = - \frac{J}{\hbar^2} \left( \hat{\mathbf{S}}_1 \cdot \hat{\mathbf{S}}_2  + \hat{\mathbf{S}}_2 \cdot \hat{\mathbf{S}}_3  + \hat{\mathbf{S}}_3 \cdot \hat{\mathbf{S}}_1 \right) - \frac{g \mu_B B}{\hbar} \sum_{j=1}^3 \hat{S}_j^z </math>

(a) Find canonical partition function for this model.  
where <math> \hat{\mathbf{S}}_j = (\hat{S}^x_j,\hat{S}^y_j,\hat{S}^z_j) = \frac{\hbar}{2}(\hat{\sigma}_x,\hat{\sigma}_y,\hat{\sigma}_z) </math> is the vector operator for spin-1/2 with  <math> (\hat{\sigma}_x,\hat{\sigma}_y,\hat{\sigma}_z) </math> being the vector of the Pauli matrices.

(b) Find average spin <math> \langle s \rangle </math>.
'''(a)''' Show that the dot product of two vector operators representing spin-1/2 on two different sites can be written as <math> \hat{\mathbf{S}}_j \cdot \hat{\mathbf{S}}_l = (\hat{S}^+_j \hat{S}^-_l + \hat{S}^-_j \hat{S}^+_l)/2 + \hat{S}^z_j\hat{S}^z_l </math>, where the rising and lowering spin-1/2 operators are defined by <math> \hat{S}^\pm_j=\hat{S}^x_j \pm i\hat{S}_j^y </math>.

(c) Find internal energy <math> E </math>.
'''(b)''' Write down the matrix representation of the Hamiltonian in the basis consisting of the following vectors:

==Problem 2: Spin-spin correlation function in the Ising model ==
<math> |1 \rangle = |\uparrow \uparrow \uparrow \rangle, \ |2 \rangle = |\uparrow \uparrow \downarrow \rangle, \ |3 \rangle = |\uparrow \downarrow \uparrow \rangle, \ |4 \rangle = |\downarrow \uparrow \uparrow \rangle, \  |5 \rangle = |\uparrow \downarrow \downarrow  \rangle, \ |6 \rangle = |\downarrow  \uparrow \downarrow  \rangle, \ |7 \rangle = |\downarrow  \downarrow \uparrow \rangle, |8 \rangle = |\downarrow \downarrow  \downarrow  \rangle.  </math>
We can gain further insight into the properties of the one-dimensional Ising model of ferromagnetism  
'''(c)''' Find eigenenergies of this Hamiltonian. '''HINT:''' The <math> 8 \times 8 </math> Hamiltonian matrix in '''(a)''' will consist of four blocks of size <math> 1 \times 1 </math>, <math> 3 \times 3 </math>, <math> 3 \times 3 </math>, and <math> 1 \times 1 </math> along the main diagonal. So, the first and last block give eigenenergies directly, while the second and third <math> 3 \times 3 </math> blocks have to be diagonalized individually to find the corresponding eigenenergies (which can be done using Mathematica or Maple).
'''(d)''' Using result obtained in '''(c)''', compute the canonical partition function for this Hamiltonian and its magnetization. What is magnetization in the limit <math> B \rightarrow 0 </math>.
==Problem 2: Antiferromagnetic quantum spin chain: Néel state vs. valence-bond variational ground-state ==
In contemporary research on [https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.90.015005 antiferromagnetic spintronics] it is common to consider antiferromagnets as materials where magnetic moments assemble into the so-called Néel state where they point in opposite directions on neighboring atoms, as illustrated below:
Although Néel state is the ground-state of classical Heisenberg Hamiltonian, the corresponding ket
<math> |\mathrm{Neel}\rangle  = |\uparrow_1 \rangle \otimes |\downarrow_2 \rangle \otimes |\uparrow_3 \rangle \otimes |\downarrow_4 \rangle  \otimes \cdots  \otimes |\uparrow_{N-1} \rangle \otimes |\downarrow_N \rangle </math>
is not the true ground-eigenstate (i.e., eigenstate corresponding to the lowest energy eigenvalue) of the quantum Heisenberg Hamiltonian -> one often talks about quantum spin fluctuation (or zero point motion) lowering the energy of <math> |\mathrm{Neel}\rangle </math> toward the true ground-state.
Consider a quantum spin chain of <math> N </math> spins <math> S=1/2 </math> in the Figure above, where <math> N </math> is even integer and '''periodic boundary''' conditions are applied (so, site <math>N+1</math> is the same as site 1), with antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange interaction, <math> J<0 </math>. The chain is described by the following quantum Heisenberg Hamiltonian:
<math> \hat{H}_\mathrm{AFM} = - J \sum_{n=1}^{N-1} \hat{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}_n \cdot \hat{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}_{n+1} </math>
where <math> \hat{\boldsymbol{\sigma}} = (\hat{\sigma}_x,\hat{\sigma}_y,\hat{\sigma}_z) </math> is the vector of the Pauli matrices.
'''(a)''' Find expectation value of this Hamiltonian in the Néel state, <math> \langle \mathrm{Neel}| \hat{H}_\mathrm{AFM} | \mathrm{Neel}\rangle </math>.
'''(b)''' A variational ground-state could be chosen as the so-called "valence-bond" state composed of tensor products of dimer states
<math> |- \rangle = \prod_{n=1}^{N/2} \otimes \, \frac{|\uparrow_{2n} \rangle \otimes |\downarrow_{2n - 1}\rangle - |\downarrow_{2n} \rangle \otimes |\uparrow_{2n - 1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} </math>
<math> |+ \rangle = \prod_{n=1}^{N/2} \otimes \, \frac{|\downarrow_{2n} \rangle \otimes |\uparrow_{2n + 1}\rangle - |\uparrow_{2n} \rangle \otimes |\downarrow_{2n + 1}\rangle}{\sqrt{2}} </math>
Find expectation values <math> \langle \pm | \hat{H}_\mathrm{AFM}  | \pm \rangle </math> and show that both satisfy <math> \langle \pm | \hat{H}_\mathrm{AFM}  | \pm \rangle < \langle \mathrm{Neel}| \hat{H}_\mathrm{AFM}  | \mathrm{Neel}\rangle</math>. This means that valence-bond state provides tighter bound on the ground-state energy. While it is not in general true that variational states with lower energy are more similar to true ground-state, numerical simulations do suggest that ground-state is indeed similar to the simple valence-bond state <math> |\pm \rangle  </math>. Since you should find that  <math> |+ \rangle  </math> is degenerate with <math> |- \rangle\rangle </math>, this shows that valence-bond state is still not a true ground-state since it violates [https://www.jstor.org/stable/99682?seq=1 Marshall theorem] according to which ground-state of antiferromagnetic chain must be nondegenerate.
==Problem 3: Spin-spin correlation function for classical Ising model in one dimension ==
We can gain further insight into the properties of the one-dimensional classical Ising model of ferromagnetism  

<math> H= - J \sum_{i=1}^N s_i s_{i+1} </math>
<math> H= - J \sum_{i=1}^N s_i s_{i+1} </math>
Line 26: Line 59:
\rangle - \langle m \rangle^2 </math> as one of the response functions.
\rangle - \langle m \rangle^2 </math> as one of the response functions.

(a) Consider an Ising chain of <math> N = 3 </math> spins with free boundary conditions which is in equilibrium with a heat  bath at temperature <math> T </math> and in zero magnetic field <math> H=0 </math>. ''Enumerate'' all <math> 2^3 </math> microstates and calculate <math> G(r = 1) </math> and <math> G(r = 2) </math> for k = 1 (labeling the first spin on the left).
'''(a)''' Consider an Ising chain of <math> N = 3 </math> spins with free boundary conditions which is in equilibrium with a heat  bath at temperature <math> T </math> and in zero magnetic field <math> H=0 </math>. ''Enumerate'' all <math> 2^3 </math> microstates and calculate <math> G(r = 1) </math> and <math> G(r = 2) </math> for k = 1 (labeling the first spin on the left). HINT: You can start by fixing the the first spin on the left to be up and then consider the four microstates of two other spins. By symmetry, the same result is obtained if the first spin is down.

(b) For one-dimensional chain of <math> N </math> Ising spins and with free boundary conditions, show that <math> G(r)=(\tanh \beta J)^r </math>. HINT: Start from:
'''(b)''' For one-dimensional chain of <math> N </math> Ising spins and with free boundary conditions, show that <math> G(r)=\langle s_k s_{k+r} \rangle = (\tanh \beta J)^r </math>. HINT: You can use the following trick (which also helps to find the partition function  <math> Z_N </math> given below for  the Ising model with open boundaries via elementary means):  

<math> \langle s_k s_{k+r} \rangle = \frac{1}{Z_N} \sum_{s_1=\pm 1} \sum_{s_N=\pm 1} s_k s_{k+r} \exp [ \sum_{i=1}^{N-1} \beta J s_i s_i+1] </math>
<math> \langle s_k s_{k+r} \rangle = \langle s_k s_{k+1}^2 ... s_{k+r-1}^2 s_{k+r} \rangle </math>

where the partition function for N spins is:
which is an identity since square of an Ising spin variable is equal to 1. Then change variables <math> s_k s_{k+1} \rightarrow \sigma_k</math>; <math> s_{k+1} s_{k+2}  \rightarrow \sigma_{k+1}</math>, and so on. This allows one to rewrite:

<math> Z_N = 2 (2 \cosh \beta J)^{N-1}</math>.
<math> \langle s_k s_{k+r} \rangle = \frac{1}{Z_N} \sum_{s_1=\pm 1} \cdots \sum_{s_N=\pm 1} s_k s_{k+r} \exp [ \sum_{i=1}^{N-1} \beta J s_i s_{i+1}] </math>

and try to obtain <math> G(r=1) </math>, <math> G(r=2) </math>, ...  
as the r-th power of the average value <math> \langle \sigma \rangle </math> of a single <math> \sigma </math> variable introduced by the substitution above.

(c) By writing <math>  G(r) = e^{-r/\xi} </math> for <math> r \gg 1 </math>, extract the correlation length from your result in (b):
'''(c)''' By writing <math>  G(r) = e^{-r/\xi} </math> for <math> r \gg 1 </math>, extract the correlation length from your result in (b):

<math> \xi = - \frac{1}{\ln(\tanh \beta J)} </math>
<math> \xi = - \frac{1}{\ln(\tanh \beta J)} </math>

in the low temperature limit <math> \beta J \gg 1 </math>.
and show that it diverges exponentially in the low temperature limit <math> \beta J \gg 1 </math>.
== Problem 4: Mean-field theory of classical XY ferromagnet ==
A [http://quantumtheory.physik.unibas.ch/bruder/Semesterprojekte2007/p6/index.html ferromagnetic XY model] consists of unit classical spins, <math> \mathbf{S}_i = (S_i^x, S_i^y)=(\cos \phi, \sin \phi)</math> so that <math> |\mathbf{S}|=1 </math> on a three-dimensional cubic lattice with ''i'' labeling the site. The spins can point in any direction in the ''xy'' plane. The Hamiltonian with nearest neighbor interactions is given by:

==Problem 3: Two-dimensional Ising model ==
<math> H = -\frac{1}{2} J \sum_{i,\delta} \mathbf{S}_i \cdot \mathbf{S}_{i + \delta} - \mathbf{h} \cdot \sum_i \mathbf{S}_i </math>
(a) Calculate the partition function for the Ising model on a square lattice for <math> N=4 </math> spins in the presence of an external magnetic field <math> H </math>. Assume that the system is in equilibrium with a heath bath at temperature T and employ periodic boundary conditions in both directions.

(b) The <math> 4^2 =16 </math> microstates of the two-dimensional Ising model for <math> N=4 </math> can be grouped into four "ordered" states with energies <math> \pm J </math> and 12 "disordered" states with zero energy. Test the hypothesis that the phase transition occurs when the partition function of the disordered states equals that of the ordered states. What is the resulting value of <math> T_c </math>? This simple reasoning does not work as well for the Ising model in three dimensions.
with <math> \mathbf{h} </math> a field in the ''xy'' plane, and with ''i'' running over all the sites and <math> \delta </math> running over the six nearest neighbors.  

== Mean-field theory of XY ferromagnet ==
'''(a)''' For the noninteracting case <math> J = 0 </math> calculate the susceptibility <math> \chi = \partial m/\partial h |_{h=0} </math> per spin where <math> m = \langle S_i \rangle </math>. HINT: If you select the direction of external field as <math> \mathbf{h} = (h,0) </math>, then the single spin Hamiltonian is <math> H= -\mathbf{h} \cdot \mathbf{S} </math> and <math> m = \langle S \rangle = (\langle \cos \phi \rangle, \langle \sin \phi \rangle) = (\langle \cos \phi \rangle,0) </math>.  
A ferromagnetic XY model consists of unit classical spins, <math> \mathbf{S}_i = (S_i^x, S_i^y)</math> and <math> |\mathbf{S}|=1 </math> on a three-dimensional cubic lattice with ''i'' labeling the site. The spins can point in any direction in the ''xy'' plane. The Hamiltonian with nearest neighbor interactions is given by:

<math> H = -\frac{1}{2} J \sum_{i,\delta} \mathbf{S}_i \cdot \mathbf{S}_{i + \delta} - \mathbf{h} \cdot \sum_i \mathbf{S}_i </math>
'''(b)''' Use your result in (a) to calculate the transition temperature in the ferromagnetic states in mean field theory for <math> h=0 </math> and <math> J \neq 0 </math>. HINT: While it is hard to evaluate the integral expression for <math> m(h) </math>, it should be easy to evaluate its derivative at <math> h = 0 </math>. The transition to the ferromagnetic state is formulated in terms of <math> m(h) </math>, but the transition temperature only depends on the slope at <math> h = 0 </math> (i.e., <math> \chi </math>).

with <math> h </math> a field in the ''xy'' plane, and with ''i'' running over all the sites and <math> \delta </math> running over the six nearest neighbors.  
NOTE: Although XY model does not seem to describe any real ferromagnet, it is the simplest model to study critical phenomena in the universality class characterized by two-component order parameters. For example, this model on cubic lattice has been used to study critical behavior of the superfluid to normal phase transition in liquid <math> ^4\mathrm{He}  </math> and displays global <math> U(1) </math> symmetry, which amounts to a change <math> \phi_i \rightarrow \phi_i + \alpha </math> on every site, with <math> \alpha </math> being a real number. The two-dimensional XY model has no spontaneous magnetization (i.e., long-range order) at finite temperatures, and therefore no ordinary phase transitions. Nevertheless, it exhibits a special type of Berezinsky–Kosterlitz–Thouless transition where the correlation function decays exponentially in the "paramagnetic" phase and slowly, as power law, in the low-temperature critical phase.

(a) For the noninteracting case <math> J = 0 </math> calculate the susceptibility <math> \chi = \partial m/\partial h |_{h=0} </math> where <math> m = |\langle S_i \rangle|.
== Problem 5 for extra 100 points as mini-research project: Magnetic phases of the ground state in the mean-field solution of the Hubbard model of interacting electrons ==

(b) Use your result in (a) to calculate the transition temperature in the ferromagnetic states in mean field theory for <math> h=0 </math> and <math> J \neq 0 </math>. HINT: While it is hard to evaluate the integral expression for <math> m(h) </math>, it should be easy to evaluate its derivative at <math> h = 0 </math>. The transition to the ferromagnetic state is formulated in terms of <math> m(h) </math>, but the transition temperature only depends on the slope at <math> h = 0 </math> (i.e., <math> \chi </math>).
Reproduce Figure 6 from:
*Y. Claveau, B. Arnaud, and S. Di Matteo, ''Mean-field solution of the Hubbard model: the magnetic phase diagram'', Eur. J. Phys. '''35''', 035023 (2014). [https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0143-0807/35/3/035023/meta [PDF]]
This Figure represents ground state phase diagram where lines delineate boundary between different types of magnetic ordering (or no ordering in the case of paramagnetic phase) in the [https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-conmatphys-031620-102024 celebrate Hubbard model of interacting lattice electrons] solved by mean-field theory. Since such solution requires self-consistent loop in Figure 3 of the above references, you will need to use some simple coding of numerics via Mathematica, Matlab or Python. The transition between different phases at zero temperature would be an example of [https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/article/64/2/29/413545/Quantum-criticalityA-phase-transition-brought-on quantum phase transition].

Latest revision as of 20:32, 27 May 2024

Problem 1: Ferromagnetic quantum spin chain: Many-body eigenstates and eigenenergies for three interacting spins with periodic boundary conditions

Consider three spin-1/2 located on three lattice sites of a quantum Heisenberg ferromagnetic chain with periodic boundary conditions, i.e., spins on site 1 and 3 are assumed to interact via exchange coupling . With both the spin-spin interaction and Zeeman term with a magnetic field in the z-direction, the Hamiltonian of the system is given by

where is the vector operator for spin-1/2 with being the vector of the Pauli matrices.

(a) Show that the dot product of two vector operators representing spin-1/2 on two different sites can be written as , where the rising and lowering spin-1/2 operators are defined by .

(b) Write down the matrix representation of the Hamiltonian in the basis consisting of the following vectors:

(c) Find eigenenergies of this Hamiltonian. HINT: The Hamiltonian matrix in (a) will consist of four blocks of size , , , and along the main diagonal. So, the first and last block give eigenenergies directly, while the second and third blocks have to be diagonalized individually to find the corresponding eigenenergies (which can be done using Mathematica or Maple).

(d) Using result obtained in (c), compute the canonical partition function for this Hamiltonian and its magnetization. What is magnetization in the limit .

Problem 2: Antiferromagnetic quantum spin chain: Néel state vs. valence-bond variational ground-state

In contemporary research on antiferromagnetic spintronics it is common to consider antiferromagnets as materials where magnetic moments assemble into the so-called Néel state where they point in opposite directions on neighboring atoms, as illustrated below:

Afm quantum spin chain.png

Although Néel state is the ground-state of classical Heisenberg Hamiltonian, the corresponding ket

is not the true ground-eigenstate (i.e., eigenstate corresponding to the lowest energy eigenvalue) of the quantum Heisenberg Hamiltonian -> one often talks about quantum spin fluctuation (or zero point motion) lowering the energy of toward the true ground-state.

Consider a quantum spin chain of spins in the Figure above, where is even integer and periodic boundary conditions are applied (so, site is the same as site 1), with antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange interaction, . The chain is described by the following quantum Heisenberg Hamiltonian:

where is the vector of the Pauli matrices.

(a) Find expectation value of this Hamiltonian in the Néel state, .

(b) A variational ground-state could be chosen as the so-called "valence-bond" state composed of tensor products of dimer states

Find expectation values and show that both satisfy . This means that valence-bond state provides tighter bound on the ground-state energy. While it is not in general true that variational states with lower energy are more similar to true ground-state, numerical simulations do suggest that ground-state is indeed similar to the simple valence-bond state . Since you should find that is degenerate with , this shows that valence-bond state is still not a true ground-state since it violates Marshall theorem according to which ground-state of antiferromagnetic chain must be nondegenerate.

Problem 3: Spin-spin correlation function for classical Ising model in one dimension

We can gain further insight into the properties of the one-dimensional classical Ising model of ferromagnetism

by calculating the spin-spin correlation function

where is the separation between the two spins in units of the lattice constant. The statistical average is over all microstates. Because all lattice sites are equivalent, is independent of the choice of specific site and depends only on the separation r (for a given temperature T and external field h). Since the average value of spin at site is independent of the choice of that specific site (for periodic boundary conditions) and equals ( is magnetization), the correlation function can also be written as:


The spin-spin correlation function is a measure of the degree to which a spin at one site is correlated with a spin at another site. If the spins are not correlated, then trivially . At high temperatures the interaction between spins is unimportant, and hence the spins are randomly oriented in the absence of an external magnetic field. Thus in the limit , we expect that for any r. For fixed and , we expect that, if spin is up, then the two adjacent spins will have a greater probability of being up than down. For spins further away from spin , we expect that the probability that spin at site is up or correlated will decrease. Hence, we expect that as . Note that the physical meaning of the correlation is that it can be used to express magnetic susceptibility as one of the response functions.

(a) Consider an Ising chain of spins with free boundary conditions which is in equilibrium with a heat bath at temperature and in zero magnetic field . Enumerate all microstates and calculate and for k = 1 (labeling the first spin on the left). HINT: You can start by fixing the the first spin on the left to be up and then consider the four microstates of two other spins. By symmetry, the same result is obtained if the first spin is down.

(b) For one-dimensional chain of Ising spins and with free boundary conditions, show that . HINT: You can use the following trick (which also helps to find the partition function given below for the Ising model with open boundaries via elementary means):

which is an identity since square of an Ising spin variable is equal to 1. Then change variables ; , and so on. This allows one to rewrite:

as the r-th power of the average value of a single variable introduced by the substitution above.

(c) By writing for , extract the correlation length from your result in (b):

and show that it diverges exponentially in the low temperature limit .

Problem 4: Mean-field theory of classical XY ferromagnet

A ferromagnetic XY model consists of unit classical spins, so that on a three-dimensional cubic lattice with i labeling the site. The spins can point in any direction in the xy plane. The Hamiltonian with nearest neighbor interactions is given by:

with a field in the xy plane, and with i running over all the sites and running over the six nearest neighbors.

(a) For the noninteracting case calculate the susceptibility per spin where . HINT: If you select the direction of external field as , then the single spin Hamiltonian is and .

(b) Use your result in (a) to calculate the transition temperature in the ferromagnetic states in mean field theory for and . HINT: While it is hard to evaluate the integral expression for , it should be easy to evaluate its derivative at . The transition to the ferromagnetic state is formulated in terms of , but the transition temperature only depends on the slope at (i.e., ).

NOTE: Although XY model does not seem to describe any real ferromagnet, it is the simplest model to study critical phenomena in the universality class characterized by two-component order parameters. For example, this model on cubic lattice has been used to study critical behavior of the superfluid to normal phase transition in liquid and displays global symmetry, which amounts to a change on every site, with being a real number. The two-dimensional XY model has no spontaneous magnetization (i.e., long-range order) at finite temperatures, and therefore no ordinary phase transitions. Nevertheless, it exhibits a special type of Berezinsky–Kosterlitz–Thouless transition where the correlation function decays exponentially in the "paramagnetic" phase and slowly, as power law, in the low-temperature critical phase.

Problem 5 for extra 100 points as mini-research project: Magnetic phases of the ground state in the mean-field solution of the Hubbard model of interacting electrons

Reproduce Figure 6 from:

  • Y. Claveau, B. Arnaud, and S. Di Matteo, Mean-field solution of the Hubbard model: the magnetic phase diagram, Eur. J. Phys. 35, 035023 (2014). [PDF]

This Figure represents ground state phase diagram where lines delineate boundary between different types of magnetic ordering (or no ordering in the case of paramagnetic phase) in the celebrate Hubbard model of interacting lattice electrons solved by mean-field theory. Since such solution requires self-consistent loop in Figure 3 of the above references, you will need to use some simple coding of numerics via Mathematica, Matlab or Python. The transition between different phases at zero temperature would be an example of quantum phase transition.