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== Hands-on Tutorials by Wolfram ==
== Mathematica Notebooks for PHYS813 ==
* [ Wolfram Screencast: Hands-on Introduction to Mathematica]
*[[Media:getting_started_bkn.nb|Getting Started]]
*[[Media:black_body_bkn.nb|Black-body radiation: Classical vs. quantum statistical mechanics approach]]
*Essential quantum concepts using spin examples: Quantum states (vectors or density matrices), operators as observables, probabilities and expectation values
*Sommerfeld expansion
**B. Cowan, On the chemical potential of ideal Fermi and Bose gases, J. Low Temp. Phys. '''197''', 412 (2019). [ | [PDF and Mathematica notebooks]]

== Hands-on Tutorials by the Instructor ==
== Hands-on Tutorials and Guides by Wolfram ==
*[ Mathematica: Getting Started]
* [ Wolfram Screencast: Hands-on start to Mathematica]
* [ Fast Introduction for Math Students]
* [ Wolfram University courses]

== Mathematica Notebooks for Statistical Physics ==
*[ Calculus and Algebra]
*[ Mathematical Functions]
*[ Function Visualization]
*[  Function in Complex Plane Visualization]
*[  Data Visualization]
*[ Fourier Analysis]
*[ Integral Transforms]
*[ Asymptotic Calculus]
*[ Special Functions for Quantum Mechanics]
*[ Wolfram Quantum Framework]
== Mathematica Additional Packages for Quantum Mechanics ==
*[ Matrix Partial Trace] calling via ResourceFunction
*[ SNEG package for Dirac notation and second quantization calculations]
*[ R. Schmied, ''Using Mathematica for Quantum Mechanics: A Student’s Manual'']

Latest revision as of 22:19, 12 February 2025