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Lecture 1: Faliure of classical statistical mechanics: Black-body radiation

Lecture 2: Mixed states in quantum mechanics and density operator

Lecture 3: Many-particle wave functions and Hilbert space

Lecture 4: Ensembles and partition function for systems in equilibrium

  • Example: Partition function for two bosons and two fermions.
  • Example: "Effective force" between noninteracting bosons and fermions due to Pauli principle.

Lecture 5: Noninteracting bosons in equilibrium

Lecture 6: Bose-Einstein condensation

Lecture 7: Noninteracting fermions in equilibrium

  • Example: Pressure of ideal Fermi vs. ideal Bose gas.
  • Example: Heat capacity of electrons in solids.
  • Example: Pauli paramagnetism.
  • Example: Landau diamagnetism.
  • Example: Neutron stars.

Lecture 8: Magnetic systems

Lecture 9: Phase transitions in the Ising model of magnetism

Lecture 10: Mean-field theory of phase transitions

Lecture 11: Renormalization group

Lecture 12: Boltzmann (semiclassical) theory of linear response

Lecture 13: Kubo (quantum) theory of linear response