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Lecture 1: Faliure of classical statistical mechanics: Black-body radiation
Lecture 2: Mixed states in quantum mechanics and density operator
- Example: Proper mixed states in spintronics.
- Example: Improper mixed states and decoherence of two-level quantum systems.
Lecture 3: Many-particle wave function and Hilbert space
- Example: Wave function of 3 fermions.
- Example: Wave function of 3 bosons.
Lecture 4: Ensembles and partition function for systems in equilibrium
- Example: Partition function for linear harmonic oscillator in canonical ensemble.
- Example: Partition function for two bosons and two fermions.
- Example: "Effective force" between noninteracting bosons and fermions due to Pauli principle.
- Additional references:
- W. J. Mullin and G. Blaylock, Quantum statistics: Is there an effective fermion repulsion or boson attraction?, Am. J. Phys. 71, 1223 (2003). [PDF]
Lecture 5: Noninteracting bosons in equilibrium
- Example: Heat capacity of phonons in solids.
- Example: Photons and black-body radiation.
Lecture 6: Bose-Einstein condensation
- Example: BEC for free noninteracting bosons.
- Example: BEC in ultracold atom gases in traps.
Lecture 7: Noninteracting fermions in equilibrium
- Example: Pressure of ideal Fermi vs. ideal Bose gas.
- Example: Heat capacity of electrons in solids.
- Example: Pauli paramagnetism.
- Example: Landau diamagnetism.
- Example: Neutron stars.
Lecture 8: Magnetic systems
- Example: Noninteracting systems of spin
- Example: Thermodynamics of magnetism
- Example: Partition function of the Ising model in one-dimension.
- Example: Onsager solution and computer simulations of the Ising model in two-dimensions.
Lecture 9: Phase transitions
- Example: Phase diagrams of liquid-gas and paramagnet-ferromagnet systems.
- Thermodynamic equation of state near phase transitions.
Lecture 10: Mean-field theory of phase transitions
- Example: Mean-field theory of the Ising model.
- Example: Heisenberg model of magnetism.
- Example: Landau theory and the origin of its failure for two-dimensional Ising model.
Lecture 11: Critical phenomena and renormalization group (RG)
- Universality and scaling relations
- Example: Percolation as geometrical phase transition.
- Example: RG for percolation.
- Example: RG for 1D Ising model.
- Example: Niemeijer-van Leeuwen RG in real space for 2D Ising model.
- Additional references:
- Fisher ...