Temporary HW
Problem 1: Ginzburg criterion in arbitrary spatial dimension and upper critical dimension
The general solution for the correlation function in arbitrary spatial dimension within the mean-field theory can be written as:
assuming that distance is much larger than the lattice spacing .
(a) Generalize the Ginzburg criterion
for the validity of the mean-field theory to arbitrary spatial dimension to show that it is satisfied if
where and are critical exponents for describing vanishing of the order parameter and divergence of the correlation length , respectively.
(b) Using your result in (a), find the upper critical dimension for the Ising model above which its critical behavior near temperature is well-described by the mean-field theory.
Problem 3: Renormalization group for 1D Ising model using transfer matrix method
The partition function for the N-spin Ising chain can be written as the trace of the N-th power of the transfer matrix T. Another way to reduce the number of degrees of freedom is the describe the system in terms of two-spin cells, where the partition function is written as:
The transfer matrix for two-spin cells, , can be written as: