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* [[Thorsten Hesjedal]]
* [[Thorsten Hesjedal]]
* [[Farzad Mahfouzi]]
* [[Farzad Mahfouzi]]
* [http://spintronics.kaust.edu.sa/Pages/Home.aspx Aurelien Manchon], KAUST
* [[Aurelien Manchon]]
* [http://www.stoner.leeds.ac.uk/people/chm Christopher Marrows], University of Leeds
* [[Christopher Marrows]]
* [http://www.phys.vt.edu/~kyungwha/kpark/park.html Kyungwha Park], Virginia Tech
* [[Kyungwha Park]]
* [http://www.phys.psu.edu/people/nxs16 Nitin Samarth], Pennsylvania State University
* [[Nitin Samarth]]
* [http://www.spincomp.eu/Prof.-Sanvito.xml Stefano Sanvito], Trinity College Dublin
* [[Stefano Sanvito]]
* [http://www.topological-qp.jp/english/member/sp_profile/profile_c01_shiomi.html Yuki Shiomi], Tohoku University
* [[Yuki Shiomi]]
* [http://cmp.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/index_en.html Masashi Shiraishi], Kyoto University
* [[Masashi Shiraishi]]
* [http://www.quantumwise.com/about-us/people Kurt Stokbro], QuantumWise
* [[Kurt Stokbro]]
* [https://www.lps.u-psud.fr/index.php?page=pageperso&nom=THIAVILLE&prenom=Andr%C3%A9&lang=en André Thiaville], CNRS-University of Paris-Sud
* [[André Thiaville]]
* [http://www.pa.ucla.edu/directory/yaroslav-tserkovnyak Yaroslav Tserkovnyak], UCLA
* [[Yaroslav Tserkovnyak]]
* [http://www.msd.anl.gov/te-velthuis Suzanne G. E. te Velthuis], Argonne National Lab
* [[Suzanne G. E. te Velthuis]]
* [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-Oh2U-8AAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1 John Q. Xiao], University of Delaware
* [[John Q. Xiao]]
* [http://arxiv.org/abs/1501.05511 Hongxin Yang], Spintec and CNRS/Thales
* [[Hongxin Yang]]
* [https://www.ece.nus.edu.sg/stfpage/eleyang/ Hyunsoo Yang], National University of Singapore
* [[Hyunsoo Yang]]

Revision as of 21:30, 10 August 2015