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With the arrival of Professor Barry Walker in 2001, the University of Delaware established a foothold in the field of ultrafast research. Since that time, the growing presence of ultrafast experimentalists has produced more than 40 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals.

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  • Gundlach L., Burfeindt B., Mahrt J., Willig F. "Dynamics of ultrafast photoinduced heterogeneous electron transfer, implications for recent solar energy conversion scenarios", In press Chemical Physics Letters (2012)
  • J. Shen, X. Fan, Z. Chen, M. F.DeCamp, H. Zhang, J.Q.Xiao "Damping modulated Terahertz emission for ferromagnetic films excited by ultrafast laser pulses," Applied Physics Letters 101 072401 (2012)
  • Z. Chen, and M.F. DeCamp ``Coherent optical phonons in bismuth detected through a surface plasmon resonance." Journal of Applied Physics 112 013527 (2012)
  • Y. Gao and M.F. DeCamp "Generation of acoustic pulses from a photo-acoustic transducer measured by time-resolved x-ray diffraction" Applied Physics Letters 100 191903 (2012)
  • W. M. Reid, T. Driscoll, and M. F. Doty "Forming delocalized intermediate states with realistic quantum dots, J. Applied Physics 111 056102 (2012)
  • M.C. Can, S. I. Shah, M.F. Doty, C.R. Haughn, T. Fırat "Electrical and optical properties of point defects in ZnO thin films" J. Physics D '45 195104 (2012)
  • L. Gundlach, F. Willig "Ultrafast photoinduced electron transfer at electrodes: the general case of a heterogeneous electron transfer reaction", accepted ChemPhysChem 13 2877 (2012)
  • M. Freitag, L. Gundlach, P. Piotrowiak, E. Galoppini "Fluorescence Enhancement of di-p-Tolyl Viologen by Complexation in Cucurbit[7]uril", Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 3358 (2012)
  • P. D. Grugan, S. Luo, M. Videtto, C. Mancuso, and B. C. Walker "Classical study of ultrastrong nonperturbative-field interactions with a one-electron atom: Validity of the dipole approximation for the bound-state interaction" Physical Review A 85, 053407 (2012)


  • Z. Chen, Y. Gao, B.C. Minch, and M.F. DeCamp "Time-domain optical and Terahertz spectroscopy of bismuth germinate," J. Physics: Condensed Matter 23 385402 (2011)
  • Z. Chen, Y. Gao, and M.F. DeCamp, "Retrieval of terahertz spectra through ultrafast electro-optic modulation," Applied Physics Letters 99 011106 (2011)
  • B.L. Wen, A.M. Watts, L.E. Howard, M. Videtto, C. Mancuso, S.J. Wells, T. Stanev, M.F. DeCamp, and B.C. Walker "Polarization Dependence of Carbon Fragments from Methane in a Strong Laser Field," J. of Phys. B, 44 045604 (2011).
  • W. Liu, S. Sanwlani, R. Hazbun, J. Kolodzey, A. S. Bracker, D. Gammon, and M. F. Doty "In situ tunable g factor for a single electron confined inside an InAs quantum dot molecule" Phys. Rev. B 84, 121304(R) (2011)
  • X. Zhou, S. Sanwlani, W. Liu, J. H. Lee, Zh. M. Wang, G. Salamo, and M. F. Doty "Spectroscopic signatures of many-body interactions and delocalized states in self-assembled lateral quantum dot molecules" Phys. Rev. B 84 205411 (2011)
  • F. Xu, X. Ma, C R. Haughn, J Benavides, M. F. Doty‡, and S. G. Cloutier "Efficient Exciton Funneling in Cascaded PbS Quantum Dot Superstructures" ACS Nano 5 9950–9957 (2011)


  • S. Palaniyappan, R. Mitchell, N. Ekanayake, A.M. Watts, S.L. White, Rob Sauer, L.E. Howard, M. Videtto, C. Mancuso, S.J. Wells, T. Stanev, B.L. Wen, M.F. DeCamp, and B.C. Walker, "Ionization of Ethane, Butane, and Octane in Strong Laser Fields," Phys. Rev. A 82 043433 (2010)
  • Z. Chen, B.C. Minch, and M.F. DeCamp "High wavevector optical phonons in microstructured Bismuth films," Optics Express 18 4365 (2010).
  • DiChiara AD, Ghebregziabher I, Waesche JM, Stanev T, Ekanayake N, Barclay LR, Wells SJ, Watts A, Videtto M, Mancuso CA, Walker BC "Photoionization by an ultraintense laser field: Response of atomic xenon" PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81, 043417 (2010)
  • J. Planelles, J.I. Climente, F. Rajadell, M.F. Doty, A.S. Bracker, D. Gammon. "Effect of strain and variable mass on the formation of antibonding hole ground states in InAs quantum dot molecules" Phys. Rev. B 82 155307 (2010)
  • M.F. Doty, J.I. Climente, A. Greilich, M. Yakes, A.S. Bracker, D. Gammon. "Oportunities for single hole-spin control using delocalized states of quantum dot molecules" Journal of Physics: Conference Series 245 012002 (2010)
  • M.F. Doty, J.I. Climente, A. Greilich, M. Yakes, A.S. Bracker, D. Gammon. "Hole spin mixing in InAs Quantum-Dot molecules" Phys. Rev. B 81 035308 (2010)


  • M.F. Doty, J.I. Climente, M. Korkusinski, M. Scheibner, A.S. Bracker, P. Hawrylak, D. Gammon. "Antibonding ground states in InAs Quantum-Dot molecules" Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 047401 (2009)
  • M.F. Doty, D. Gammon, "Viewpoint: Getting a handle on spin" Physics 2 16 (2009)


  • Y. Gao, Z. Chen, T. Drake, and M.F. DeCamp "Half-Cycle-Pulse TeraHertz emission from an ultrafast laser-plasma in a solid target," Optics Letters, 332776 (2008).
  • S. Palaniyappan, R. Mitchell, R. Sauer, I. Ghebregziabher, S.L. White, M.F. DeCamp, and B.C. Walker. "Ionization of Methane in Strong and Ultrastrong Relativistic Fields," Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 183001 (2008).
  • I. Ghebregziabher and BC Walker "Impact of coherence in radiation from ultrahigh-field atomic ionization" Physical Review A 77, 023417 (2008)
  • E. Gagnon, A.S. Sandhu, A. Paul, K. Hagen, A. Czasch, T. Jahnke, P. Ranitovic, C.L. Cocke, B. Walker, M.M. Murnane, H.C. Kapteyn "Time-resolved momentum imaging system for molecular dynamics studies using a tabletop ultrafast extreme-ultraviolet light source" REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 79, 063102 (2008)
  • M.F. Doty, M. Scheibner, A.S. Bracker, I.V. Ponomarev, T.L. Reinecke, D. Gammon. "Optical spectra of doubly charged quantum dot molecules in electric and magnetic fields." Phys. Rev. B. 78 115316 (2008)
  • M. Scheibner, M. Yakes, A.S. Bracker, I.V. Ponomarev, M.F. Doty, C.S. Hellberg, L.J. Whitman, T.L. Reinecke, D. Gammon. "Optically mapping the electronic structure of coupled quantum dots". Nature Physics. 4 291 (2008)


  • M.F. DeCamp, K.C. Jones, L. DeFlores, and A. Tokmakoff,"Single-shot two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy," Optics Express 15 233 (2007).
  • I. Ghebregziabher and B. C. Walker "Effect of focal geometry on radiation from atomic ionization in an ultrastrong and ultrafast laser field" Physical Review A 76, 023415 (2007)
  • B. A. Reagan, T. Popmintchev, M. E. Grisham, D. M. Gaudiosi, M. Berrill, O. Cohen, B. C. Walker, M. M. Murnane, J. J. Rocca, and H. C. Kapteyn "Enhanced high-order harmonic generation from Xe, Kr, and Ar in a capillary discharge" PHYSICAL REVIEW A 76, 013816 (2007)


  • R. Chadwick, E. Spahr, J.A. Squier, C.G. Durfee, B.C. Walker, D.N. Fittinghoff "Fringe-free, background-free, collinear third-harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating measurements for multiphoton microscopy" OPTICS LETTERS 31, 3366 (2006)
  • S. Palaniyappan, I. Ghebregziabher, A. DiChiara, J. MacDonald, and B. C. Walker "Emergence from nonrelativistic strong-field rescattering to ultrastrong-field laser-atom physics: A semiclassical analysis" Physical Review A 74 033403
  • D.M. Gaudiosi, B. Reagan, T. Popmintchev, M. Grisham, M. Berrill, O. Cohen, B.C. Walker, M.M. Murnane, H.C. Kapteyn, and J.J. Rocca, "High-order harmonic generation from ions in a capillary discharge" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 96, 203001 (2006)
  • S Palaniyappan, A DiChiara, I Ghebregziabher, E L Huskins, A Falkowski, D Pajerowski and B C Walker "Multielectron ultrastrong laser field ionization of Arn+,Krm+, and Xel+ (n=8, m=9, l=12,) at intensities from 1015W/cm2 to 1018 W/cm2" J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, S357-S369 (2006)
  • I. Ghebregziabiher, S. Palaniyappan, J. MacDonald, B.C. Walker "Impact of the laser magnetic field on recombination and bremsstrahlung radiation from atomic ionization rescattering in ultraintense fields" Phys. Rev. A 73, 033419 (2006)


  • Palaniyappan S, DiChiara A, Chowdhury E, Falkowski A, Ongadi G, Huskins EL, Walker BC "Ultrastrong field ionization of Nen+ (n <= 8): Rescattering and the role of the magnetic field" Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 243003 (2005)
  • A. DiChiara, S. Palaniyappan, A.F. Falkowski, E.L. Huskins and B.C. Walker "Cross-shell multielectron ionization of xenon by an ultrastrong field" J.PHYS.B 38, L183-L190 (2005)
  • E.A. Chowdhury, I. Ghebregziabiher and B.C. Walker "Larmor Radiation from the Ultra-Intense Field Ionization of Atoms" J.PHYS.B 38, 517 (2005)


  • Chowdhury EA, Ghebregziabher I, MacDonald J, Walker BC "Electron momentum states and bremsstrahlung radiation from the ultraintense field ionization of atoms" OPTICS EXPRESS 12, 3911 (2004)


  • A. DiChiara, E. Chowdhury, G. Ongadi, B.C. Walker, R. Tamosaitis "TEM00 Terawatt Amplification Using Micro-optical Spatial Mode Conversion" OPTICS LETTERS 28, 2106 (2003).
  • E.A. Chowdhury, B.C. Walker "Multielectron Ionization Processes In Ultrastrong Laser Fields" JOURNAL OF OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B 20, 109-112, (2003)