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  • J. Shen, X. Fan, Z. Chen, M. F.DeCamp, H. Zhang, J.Q.Xiao "Damping modulated Terahertz emission for ferromagnetic films excited by ultrafast laser pulses," Accepted Applied Physics Letters (2012)
  • Z. Chen, and M.F. DeCamp ``Coherent optical phonons in bismuth detected through a surface plasmon resonance." Accepted Journal of Applied Physics (2012)
  • Y. Gao and M.F. DeCamp "Generation of acoustic pulses from a photo-acoustic transducer measured by time-resolved x-ray diffraction" Applied Physics Letters 100 191903 (2012)


  • Z. Chen, Y. Gao, B.C. Minch, and M.F. DeCamp "Time-domain optical and Terahertz spectroscopy of bismuth germinate," J. Physics: Condensed Matter 23 385402 (2011)
  • Z. Chen, Y. Gao, and M.F. DeCamp, "Retrieval of terahertz spectra through ultrafast electro-optic modulation," Applied Physics Letters 99 011106 (2011)
  • B.L. Wen, A.M. Watts, L.E. Howard, M. Videtto, C. Mancuso, S.J. Wells, T. Stanev, M.F. DeCamp, and B.C. Walker "Polarization Dependence of Carbon Fragments from Methane in a Strong Laser Field," J. of Phys. B, 44 045604 (2011).


  • S. Palaniyappan, R. Mitchell, N. Ekanayake, A.M. Watts, S.L. White, Rob Sauer, L.E. Howard, M. Videtto, C. Mancuso, S.J. Wells, T. Stanev, B.L. Wen, M.F. DeCamp, and B.C. Walker, "Ionization of Ethane, Butane, and Octane in Strong Laser Fields," Phys. Rev. A 82 043433 (2010)
  • Z. Chen, B.C. Minch, and M.F. DeCamp "High wavevector optical phonons in microstructured Bismuth films," Optics Express 18 4365 (2010).


  • Y. Gao, Z. Chen, T. Drake, and M.F. DeCamp "Half-Cycle-Pulse TeraHertz emission from an ultrafast laser-plasma in a solid target," Optics Letters, 332776 (2008).
  • S. Palaniyappan, R. Mitchell, R. Sauer, I. Ghebregziabher, S.L. White, M.F. DeCamp, and B.C. Walker. "Ionization of Methane in Strong and Ultrastrong Relativistic Fields," Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 183001 (2008).


  • M.F. DeCamp, K.C. Jones, L. DeFlores, and A. Tokmakoff,"Single-shot two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy," Optics Express 15 233 (2007).