Temp HW 3

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Problem 1: Electrons in graphene

Graphene is one-atom-thick crystal of carbon atoms densely packed into a honeycomb lattice. Its surprising discovery (according to Mermin-Wagner theorem of statistical mechanics, two-dimensional crystals do not exist!) in 2004 has led to Nobel Prize in Physics 2010. The band structure of graphene close to the Fermi energy is such that electrons behave as the so-called massless Dirac fermions with energy-momentum relationship:

akin to photons or neutrinos of high energy physics, except that instead of the velocity of light is replaced by the Fermi velocity is .

(a) For any fermionic system at chemical potential , show that the probability of finding an occupied state of energy is the same as that of finding an unoccupied state of energy where is any constant energy. HINT: According to Fermi-Dirac statistics, the probability of finding particles in a single particle state of energy is

(b) At zero temperature, all negative energy states (the so-called holes) in graphene are occupied and all positive energy states are empty, so that . Using the result in (a), find the chemical potential at finite temperature .

(c) Show that the mean excitation energy of this system at finite temperature satisfies:

where A is the surface are of graphene. HINT: You can find from the following formula:

where is sum over the for spin degree of freedom (which gives factor 2 in the formula that you have to prove).

(d) Give a closed form answer for the excitation energy by evaluating integral in (c).

(e) Using (d), calculate the heat capacity of massless Dirac fermions in graphene as a function of temperature.

Note that your final results can be expressed using Riemann zeta function which specifies the values of for in the case of Dirac fermions.

Problem 2: Pauli paramagnetism

Calculate the contribution of electron spin to its magnetic susceptibility as follows. Consider non-interacting electrons where each is subject to a Hamiltonian operator:

where is the Bohr magneton and we ignore orbital effects of magnetic field (if they are taken into account then, for vector potential ).

(a) Calculate the grand potential at a chemical potential . HINT: The energy of electron gas is given by where (=0 or 1 as in the case of any fermionic system) denotes the number of particles having spins and momentum p, and


(b) Find the densities and of electrons pointing parallel and antiparallel to the magnetic field, respectively.

(c) Using result in (b), find the magnetization , and expand the result for small B.

(d) Sketch the zero-field susceptibility , and indicate its behavior at low and high temperatures. HINT: In the low temperature limit you will find useful the following identity:


(e) Estimate the magnitude of for a typical metal at room temperature. HINT: Since room temperature is always smaller that K of typical metals, you can take low temperature limit of your result in (d).

Problem 3: Neutron star

A neutron star can be considered to be a collection of non-interacting neutrons, which are spin 1/2 fermions. A typical neutron star has a mass close to one solar mass kg. The mass of a neutron is about kg. In the following, we will estimate the radius of the neutron star.

(a) Find the energy of a neutron star at as a function of , , and assuming that the star can be treated as an ideal non-relativistic Fermi gas.

(b) Assume that the density of the star is uniform and show that its gravitational energy is given by , where the gravitational constant . HINT: From classical mechanics find the gravitational potential energy between an existing sphere of radius and a shell of volume coming from infinity to radius . Then integrate that expression from to .

(c) Assume that gravitational equilibrium occurs when the total energy is minimized and find an expression for the radius .

(d) Estimate the actual value of in kilometers. Estimate the mass density and compare it with the density of material on the surface of Earth such as water.

(e) Determine the Fermi energy and Fermi temperature of a neutron star. A typical internal temperature for a neutron star is K. Compare this value with the Fermi temperature and determine if the zero temperature approximation that we assumed is applicable.

(f) Compare the rest energy of a neutron star with Fermi energy of a neutron star. Is the non-relativistic approximation justified?

Problem 3: Stoner ferromagnetism

The conduction electrons in a metal can be treated as a gas of fermions of spin 1/2 and density . The Coulomb repulsion favors wave functions that are antisymmetric in position coordinates, thus keeping the electrons apart. Because of the full (position and spin) anti-symmetry of fermionic wave functions, this interaction may be approximated by an effective spin-spin coupling that favors states with parallel spins. In this simple approximation, the net effect is described by an interaction energy:

where and are the numbers of electrons with up and down spins, and is the volume. The parameter is related to the scattering length by .

(a) The ground state has two Fermi seas filled with spin-up and spin-down electrons. Express the corresponding Fermi wavevector in terms of densities .

(b) Calculate the kinetic energy density of the ground state as a function of densities and the fundamental constants.

(c) Assuming small deviations from the symmetric state, expand the kinetic energy to fourth order in .

(d) Express the spin-spin interaction density in terms of and . Find the critical value of such that the electron gas can lower its total energy (which is the sum of kinetic and potential energy) by spontaneously developing a magnetization. That is, when , the total energy density becomes lower due to negative contribution of the terms multiplying . Such favorable finite means non-zero magnetization which in this case, unlike in problem 2., is spontaneous since it occurs in the absence of external magnetic field. This is known as the Stoner instability.

(e) Explain qualitatively the behavior of spontaneous magnetization as a function of and sketch the corresponding graph.