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PHYS 600: Research and presentation skills
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Course Topics

This is the second core course in the sequence (PHYS 616 + PHYS 813) aimed to introduce physics graduate students to basic concepts and tools of statistical physics. PHYS 616, or equivalent taken at some other institution, is prerequisite to enroll in this course.

Quantum statistical mechanics governs most of condensed matter physics (metals, semiconductors, glasses, ...) and parts of molecular physics and astrophysics (white dwarfs, neutron stars). It spawned the origin of quantum mechanics (Planck's theory of the black-body radiation spectrum) and provides framework for our understanding of other exotic quantum phenomena (Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluids, and superconductors).

The course will focus on practical introduction to QSM via examples and hands-on tutorials using computer algebra system such as Mathematica. The examples will be drawn from the application of QSM to condensed matter physics, phase transitions in magnetic systems, astrophysics, and plasma physics, as are the areas of relevance to research in DPA.

Main Course Topics:

  • how do you start scientific research project?
  • physics & astronomy journals
  • searching the scientific literature online
  • ethics in scientific research
  • writing style for research article
  • LaTeX environment for typing math
  • software for preparing talks and posters
  • designing and delivering effective research talks
  • cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience in research and presentations


  • The course is moved online until UD reopens. This means you will receive a link to join ZOOM (install it from for lectures and your presentations.

Lecture in Progress

  • Talks by students

Quick Links

Course Motto

  • Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. (Waldo Emerson)
  • If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. (Albert Einstein)
  • A man will turn over half a library to write one book. (Samuel Johnson)
  • Scientists often have an experience that is deeply enlightening, and is not granted to everyone. It is the experience of finding that you have been wrong about something. (Steven Weinberg)
  • Henri Poincaré worked during the same times each day in short periods of time. He undertook research for four hours a day, between 10 a.m. and noon then again from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. He would read articles in journals later in the evening.

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