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Physics & Astronomy journals

News & Views

General Science

General Physics


Applied Physics

Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Astronomy and Astrophysics

Space and Plasma Physics

Mathematical and Computational Physics

Physics Pedagogy

Searching the scientific literature

Physics and Astronom]y conferences and workshops

Major conferences repeated every year

Examples of workshops

Ethics in research

Scientific writing

N. D. Mermin

LaTeX templates

LaTeX packages

  • MikTeX (LaTeX implementation for Windows)
  • TexStudio (TeX Editor for Windows, Linux, or Mac OS)
  • JabRef (organizer for BibTeX references)
  • Beamer (LaTeX alternative to PPT)
  • Overleaf (Online LaTeX)
  • QuickLaTeX (prepare LaTeX equation images for inserting into PPT talks)

Scientific presentations: Talks and Posters

Lecturing in the light of cognitive psychology

  • Wieman on Cognitive Load: Cognitive load has important implications for both classroom teaching and technical talks. To maximize learning, instructors must minimize cognitive load by limiting the amount of material presented, having a clear organizational structure to the presentation, linking new material to ideas that the audience already knows, and avoiding unfamiliar technical terminology and interesting little digressions.
  • Lecture dynamics vs. cognitive psychology
  • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about Flow

Designing talks

Giving talks

Designing posters
