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Spring 2011



  • Monday and Friday: 9:05AM-9:55AM in 116 Pearson Lab.
  • Wednesday: 9:05AM-9:55AM in 111 Sharp Lab.
  • Office hours: TuTh 1:00-2:00PM in 234 Sharp Lab, or by appointment (send me an email).
  • Classes start on Tuesday, February 8 and terminate on Tuesday, May 17.
  • Breaks:
    • Spring recess, March 25-April 2.
    • Instructor's travel schedule: April 18-22.

Course Objectives

  • To encourage students to "discover" physics in a way how physicists learn by doing research
  • To open a gateway for a deeper understanding of the physics learned in other courses
  • To introduce numerical methods and new areas of physics that can be studied using them
  • To show how physics can be applied in a much broader context than discussed in traditional curriculum
  • To introduce students to the frontiers of high performance scientific computing


Lectures: The goal of class time is to emphasize important concepts covered in the textbook, introduce topics not in the text, and highlight common conceptual and problem-solving pitfalls. It is my responsibility to present this material for your coherently and create an environment in which you will feel comfortable participating. It is your responsibility to take me up on my offer to participate and to prepare yourself for the class by reading the material and working sample problems. Attendance for all lectures and discussions is strongly recommended.

Quizzes: Short (formal for the whole class and informal for first person to answer) quizzes will be given in the middle or at the end of the class to test student class participation.

Homeworks: Homework will be assigned on Tuesdays and it is due by next Tuesday (can be handed in the class or emailed as PDF).

Exams: A midterm and a final exam.

Academic Honesty: The policy on academic honesty as stated in the Student Guide to University Policies will be followed during this course. In particular: collaboration on homework assignments and in-class activities is permitted and encouraged (unless your instructor explicitly indicates otherwise).


  • The final score will be determined as a weighted average of different class activities listed above using the following formula:
    • Homework - 50%,
    • Quiz - 10 %,
    • Midterm and final exam - 40%.
  • Here is a guideline for your final letter grade, as a percentage of the total number of points:
    • 86-100, some type of A,
    • 73-85, some type of B,
    • 61-72 some type of C,
    • 51-60 some type of D,
    • 50 and below is F.

These numbers may be lowered, depending upon numerous factors, but will not be raised (i.e., if you have an 86 average you are assured of at least an A-). The course grades are not curved.

  • Grading of overdue homework: Homeworks submitted after the deadline will incur a penalty 5 points for each 24 hour period. After eight days, the maximum possible grade is set at 60 points.

Study Guides

  • Main textbooks:
    • W. Greiner, L. Neise, and H. Stöcker, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (Springer, Berlin, 1995). NOTE: The textbook covers first part of the course focused on density matrix, equilibrium quantum partition function, and noninteracting bosons and fermions.
    • M. Plischke and B. Bergersen, Equilibrium statistical physics (World Scientific, Singapore, 2006). NOTE: The textbook covers second half of the course focused on phase transitions, renormalization group, nonequilibrium systems in the linear response limit and many-body quantum systems.
  • Supplementary textbooks:
    • H. Gould and J. Tobochnik, Statistical and thermal physics: With computer applications (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2010). Available online at STP Project. NOTE: Excellent introductory (undergraduate level) textbook covering thermodynamics, classical and quantum statistical mechanics, and introduction to phase transitions and renormalization group.