Hands-on Lab

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Hands-on tutorials by Instructor

Hands-on tutorials by MathWorks



  • PHYS660 template and the embedded EPS figure
  • Math into LaTeX: How to Beautify Equations (and the embedded PDF figure)
  • REVTEX4 template (apssamp.tex)


LaTeX packages

  • MikTeX (free LaTeX implementation for Windows)
  • Texmaker (free TeX Editor for Windows, Linux, or MacOsX)

Java Applets

Dissipative Chaos

Chaos in Three-Body Problems

  • Poincare Section of Double Pendulum
  • Extensible Pendulum
  • Standard Area Preserving Map

Transient Chaos


  • Fractal Coastlines
  • Diffusion Limited Aggregation
  • Mandelbrot Set
  • Julia Set

Nonlinear Physics and Solitons

  • Toda Lattice Soliton
  • KdV Solitons
  • FPU paradox in Coupled Pendulums

Fourier Techniques

  • Normal Modes of Coupled Oscillators: a) Three, b) Many, c) Phonons in Solids
  • Fourier Series
  • Fourier Transform
  • Discrete-time Fourier Transform
  • Fourier Syntesis
  • Convolution and Autocorrelation

Statistical Physics

  • Brownian Motion
  • Random Walk in 1D
  • Random Walk in 2D
  • Self-Avoiding Random Walk
  • Monte Carlo Estimatation for Pi
  • Percolation
  • Ising Model Java Applet

Quantum Mechanics

  • The two slit experiment and the collapse of the wavefunction
  • Detector in two slit experiment
  • Quantum Scattering of Wave Packet
  • Visual Quantum Mechanics
  • Quantum Mechanics Applets

Complex Systems

  • Cellular Automata
  • Game of Life
  • BTW Sandpile: A model of Self-Organized Criticality
  • 3D BTW Sandpile Simulation by UD student John Meyer
  • Forest Fire: A model of Self-Organized Criticality
  • Spin Glasses
  • Hopfield Neural Network
  • Neural Networks with Java
  • Self-Organizing Networks
  • Image Compression by Neural Networks
  • Genetic Algorithms