Hands-on Lab
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Hands-on tutorials by the Instructor
Hands-on tutorials by MathWorks
- Getting Started video
- MATLAB video tutorials for students and faculty
- Code Examples
- MATLAB GPU Computing Support for NVIDIA CUDA-Enabled GPUs
- Using GPUs in MATLAB
- Mandelbrot set on GPU
Templates for project reports
- PHYS660 template and the embedded PDF figure
- Math into LaTeX: How to Beautify Equations (and the embedded PDF figure)
LaTeX packages
- MikTeX (free LaTeX implementation for Windows)
- Texstudio (free TeX Editor for Windows, Linux, or Mac OS)
Hands-on tutorials by the Instructor
Hands on tutorials by Wolfram Research
Java Applets
Dissipative Chaos
- Duffing equation attractor
- Damped driven pendulum
- Poincare section for damped driven pendulum
- Lorentz attractor
Conservative Chaos
- Chaos in three-body problem restricted to 2D plane
- Poincare section of double pendulum
- Extensible pendulum
- Standard area preserving map
Transient Conservative Chaos
Fourier Analysis
- Vibrational normal modes of coupled oscillators
- Vibrational normal modes (phonons) in solids
- Vibrational normal modes of organic molecules
- Fourier series
- Fourier transform
- 1D Fast Fourier Transform
Nonlinear Physics and Solitons
Statistical Physics
- Ising model
- Monte Carlo estimatation for
- Brownian motion
- Random walk in 1D
- Random walk in 2D
- Self-avoiding random walk
- Percolation
- Molecular dynamics
Quantum Mechanics
- The two slit experiment and the collapse of the wavefunction
- Detector in two slit experiment
- Quantum Scattering of Wave Packet
- Visual Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics Applets
Complex Systems
- Cellular automata
- Game of life
- BTW sandpile CAM: A model of self-organized criticality
- BTW sandpile CAM simulation with 3D visualization by DPA student John Meyer
- Forest fire: A model of self-organized criticality
- Hopfield neural network as a model of associative memory
- Neural networks with Java
- Image compression by neural networks
- Spin glasses
- Genetic algorithms