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*[ Multithreaded MATLAB performance on multicores]
*[ Multithreaded MATLAB performance on multicores]

=== M-files ===
== MATLAB Files ===

====Electron density in nanowires via density matrix====
===Electron density in nanowires using equilibrium density matrix===
*[ electron_density.m]  
*[ electron_density.m]  

====Density of states via retarded Green function====
===Disordered nanowires===
*[ disordered_nanowire.m] (code for Problems 2 & 3 in Homework Set 2)
*[ disordered_nanowire.m]
*[ dos_negf.m] (code to compute the density of states of a nanowire using Green functions)
*[ graphene_dos.m] (code to compute the density of states of graphene sheet using Green functions)
===Density of states using equilibrium retarded Green function===
*[ dos_negf.m]  
*[ graphene_dos.m]  
===Subband structure of graphene nanoribbons using tight-binding models===
*[ 8zgnr.m] (code to compute the subband structure of an infinite zigzag graphene nanoribbon discussed in the Lecture notes)
===Quantum transport in 1D nanowires using nonequilibrium Green functions===
*[ qt_1d.m] (code to compute the conductance and total and local density of states of a 1D nanowire, with possible potential barriers or impurities, attached to two semi-infinite electrodes)
*[ qt_1d.m] (code to compute the conductance and total and local density of states of a 1D nanowire, with possible potential barriers or impurities, attached to two semi-infinite electrodes)
*[ 8zgnr.m] (code to compute the subband structure of an infinite zigzag graphene nanoribbon discussed in the Lecture notes)
*[ gnr_cond_recursive.m],[ bstruct.m], [ blocktosparse.m], [ sparsetoblock.m], [ h_zigzag.m], [ invnn.m], [ Self.m], (code to compute the conductance of a finite graphene nanoribbon attached to two semi-infinite graphene electrodes)
*[ gnr_cond_recursive.m],[ bstruct.m], [ blocktosparse.m], [ sparsetoblock.m], [ h_zigzag.m], [ invnn.m], [ Self.m], (code to compute the conductance of a finite graphene nanoribbon attached to two semi-infinite graphene electrodes)

Revision as of 11:32, 4 September 2012

Unix Training

MATLAB Training

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Implementation Tools

MATLAB Files =

Electron density in nanowires using equilibrium density matrix

Disordered nanowires

Density of states using equilibrium retarded Green function

Subband structure of graphene nanoribbons using tight-binding models

  • 8zgnr.m (code to compute the subband structure of an infinite zigzag graphene nanoribbon discussed in the Lecture notes)

Quantum transport in 1D nanowires using nonequilibrium Green functions

  • qt_1d.m (code to compute the conductance and total and local density of states of a 1D nanowire, with possible potential barriers or impurities, attached to two semi-infinite electrodes)


  • matrix_exp.m (Exponential, or any other function with small changed in the code, of a Hermitian matrix)
  • visual_graphene_H.m (For a given tight-binding Hamiltonian on the honeycomb lattice, function plots position of carbon atoms and draws blue lines to represent hoppings between them; red circles to represent on-site potential between them; and cyan lines to represent the periodic boundary conditions; it can be used to test if the tight-binding Hamiltonian of graphene is set correctly); This function calls another three function which should be placed in the same directory (or in the path): atomCoord.m, atomPosition.m, and constrainView.m
  • self_energy.m (Self-energy of the semi-infinite ideal metallic lead modeled on the square tight-binding lattice - the code shows how to convert analytical formulas of the lead surface Green function into a working program)

Density functional theory via GPAW

Hands-on Lab Sessions