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*[[Final Research Project]]
*[Conductance and shot noise of pseudodiffusive and diffusive electron transport through graphene nanoribbons[Final Research Project]] has been posted and it is due as a poster presentation on December 14 at 2PM in 225 Sharp Lab.
*[[Electronic structure of graphene and topological insulator nanowires|Midterm Research Project]] has been posted and it is due by email on '''November 27'''.
*[[Electronic structure of graphene and topological insulator nanowires|Midterm Research Project]] has been posted and it is due by email on '''November 27'''.

Revision as of 10:54, 27 November 2018

  • [Conductance and shot noise of pseudodiffusive and diffusive electron transport through graphene nanoribbons[Final Research Project]] has been posted and it is due as a poster presentation on December 14 at 2PM in 225 Sharp Lab.
  • Midterm Research Project has been posted and it is due by email on November 27.