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Unix Training
MATLAB Training
Hands-on tutorials by Instructor
Hands-on Lab tutorials by MathWorks
- MATLAB Brief List of Commands
- MATLAB Documentation
- Some Common MATLAB Programming Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Books and notes
- C. Moler: Numerical Computing with MATLAB (SIAM, Philadelphia, 2004). [PDF]
- UD Crash Course on Matlab
Implementation Tools
MATLAB Scripts
Electron density in nanowires using equilibrium density matrix
Disordered nanowires
Density of states using equilibrium retarded Green function
Subband structure of graphene nanoribbons using tight-binding models
- 8zgnr.m (code to compute the subband structure of an infinite zigzag graphene nanoribbon discussed in the Lecture notes)
Quantum transport in 1D nanowires using nonequilibrium Green functions
- qt_1d.m (code to compute the conductance and total and local density of states of a 1D nanowire, with possible potential barriers or impurities, attached to two semi-infinite electrodes)
- gnr_cond_recursive.m,bstruct.m, blocktosparse.m, sparsetoblock.m, h_zigzag.m, invnn.m, Self.m, (code to compute the conductance of a finite graphene nanoribbon attached to two semi-infinite graphene electrodes)
MATLAB functions
- matrix_exp.m (Exponential, or any other function with small changed in the code, of a Hermitian matrix)
- visual_graphene_H.m (For a given tight-binding Hamiltonian on the honeycomb lattice, function plots position of carbon atoms and draws blue lines to represent hoppings between them; red circles to represent on-site potential between them; and cyan lines to represent the periodic boundary conditions; it can be used to test if the tight-binding Hamiltonian of graphene is set correctly); This function calls another three function which should be placed in the same directory (or in the path): atomCoord.m, atomPosition.m, and constrainView.m
- self_energy.m (Self-energy of the semi-infinite ideal metallic lead modeled on the square tight-binding lattice - the code shows how to convert analytical formulas of the lead surface Green function into a working program)
Density functional theory using GPAW
Hands-on tutorials by CAMd at Denmark Technical University
Hands-on tutorials by Instructor
- Subbandstructure of graphene nanoribbons
- Subband structure of carbon nanotubes
- Quantum transport through single-molecule nanojunctions