Topological Hall effect in four terminal devices

From phys824
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from types import SimpleNamespace
from matplotlib import pyplot
from math import cos, sin, pi
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as reg
import kwant

lat = kwant.lattice.square()

s_0 = np.identity(2)
s_z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
s_x = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
s_y = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])

def HedgeHog(site,ps):
        x,y = site.pos
        r = ( x**2 + y**2 )**0.5
        theta = (np.pi/2)*(np.tanh((ps.r0 - r)/ + 1)
        if r != 0:
            Ex = (x/r)*np.sin(theta)*s_x + (y/r)*np.sin(theta)*s_y + np.cos(theta)*s_z
            Ex = s_z
        return 4*s_0 + ps.Ex * Ex

def Lead_Pot(site,ps):
    return  4*s_0 +  ps.Ex * s_z

def MakeSystem(ps, show = False):
    H  = kwant.Builder()

    def shape_2DEG(pos):
        x,y = pos
        return  ( (abs(x) < ps.L) and (abs(y) < ps.W) ) or ( 
            (abs(x) < ps.W) and (abs(y) < ps.L))
    H[lat.shape(shape_2DEG,(0,0))] = HedgeHog
    H[lat.neighbors()] = -s_0
    # ITS LEADS 
    sym_x = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-1,0))
    H_lead_x = kwant.Builder(sym_x)
    shape_x = lambda pos: abs(pos[1])<ps.W and pos[0]==0 
    H_lead_x[lat.shape(shape_x,(0,0))] = Lead_Pot
    H_lead_x[lat.neighbors()] = -s_0
    sym_y = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((0,-1))
    H_lead_y = kwant.Builder(sym_y)
    shape_y = lambda pos: abs(pos[0])<ps.W and pos[1]==0 
    H_lead_y[lat.shape(shape_y,(0,0))] = Lead_Pot 
    H_lead_y[lat.neighbors()] = -s_0
    if show:

    return H

def Transport(Hf,EE,ps):
    smatrix = kwant.smatrix(Hf, energy=EE, args=[ps])
    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(4): 
            G[i,j] = smatrix.transmission(i, j)
            if i != j:
                a += G[i,j]
        G[i,i] = -a 
    V = np.linalg.solve(G[:3,:3], [1.,0,0])
    Hall = V[2] - V[1]
    return G, Hall
ps = SimpleNamespace(L=45, W=40, delta=10, r0=20, Ex=1.)

H = MakeSystem(ps, show=True)
Hf = H.finalized()

def Vz(site):
    Hd = HedgeHog(site,ps)
    return (Hd[0,0] - Hd[1,1]).real 

def Vy(site):
    Hd = HedgeHog(site, ps)
    return Hd[0,1].imag, Vz);, Vy);