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Summer Scools

Research Project Based Learning (RPBL)

  • Ideas for Scientific Teaching advocate for "students to act as scientists" in the classroom where they can develop hypotheses, design and conduct laboratory or computational experiments, collect and interpret data, and report on their results in the form of scientific paper, poster or talk.
  • RPBL is implemented in PHYS460/660 in the form of 6 computational-based research projects, whose results are reported in the form of 5 Physical Review style articles and 1 poster session.
  • RPBL is implemented in PHYS824 in the form of 2 computational-based research projects, whose results are reported in the form of 1 Physical Review style articles and 1 poster session.
  • RPBL implemented in advanced quantum physics courses, such as PHYS800 and PHYS814, has resulted in three refereed journal articles written by a subgroup of students taking the course:
    • U. Bajpai, A. Suresh, and B. K. Nikolić, Quantum many-body states and Green's functions of nonequilibrium electron-magnon systems: Localized spin operators vs. their mapping to Holstein-Primakoff bosons, Phys. Rev. B 104, 184425 (2021). [PDF]
    • P. Mondal, A. Suresh, and B. K. Nikolić, When can localized spins interacting with conduction electrons in ferro- or antiferromagnets be described classically via the Landau-Lifshitz equation: Transition from quantum many-body entangled to quantum-classical nonequilibrium states, Phys. Rev. B 104, 214401 (2021). [PDF]
    • F. Garcia-Gaitan, A. Kefayati, J. Q. Xiao, and B. K. Nikolić, Magnon spectrum of altermagnets: Time-dependent matrix product states vs. linearized Holstein-Primakoff calculations unravelling spontaneous magnon decay, arXiv:2402.19433 (2024).