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Physicists from SSD:
= Scientists at National Laboratories =

== Researchers at National Laboratories ==
== [ Dr. Olgica Bakajin] ==
* Position: Staff Scientist, Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, nanoscience and nanotechnology especially as applied to molecular transport through structures commensurate with molecular size, molecular separation methods, microfluidics, protein folding kinetics, applications of micro and nanotechnology to biosecurity and medicine.
* Education: Ph.D. Princeton University, USA; B.S. University of Chicago, USA.

* [ Dr. Čedomir Petrović], Scientist, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
== [ Dr. Radoje Belušević] ==
* Position: Staff Scientist, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan.
* Research areas: experimental high energy physics, neutrino phenomenology, Higgs production in photon-photon collisions, data acquisition electronics. 
* Education: Ph.D. University of Birmingham, UK; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

== University Professors ==
== [ Dr. Ivan Božović] ==
* Position: Molecular Beam Epitaxy Group Leader, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, high-temperature superconductors.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

* [  Dr. Branislav K Nikolić, Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Delaware, USA]]
== [ Dr. Emil Božin] ==
* Position: Associate Research Scientist, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, local structural effects in perovskite oxides and related compounds, structurally disordered and nanoscale materials.
* Education: Ph.D. Michigan State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

==[ Dr. Ana Damjanović] ==
*Position: Associate Research Scientist, Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, Laboratory of Computational Biology and National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA.
*Research areas: computational biophysics, ligand-driven conformational rearrangements in proteins, protein-water interactions, light-harvesting in purple bacteria, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria.
*Education: Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

== Postdoctoral Fellows ==
==[ Dr. Želimir Đurčić]==
* Position: Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: experimental particle physics, in particular neutrino physics.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Alabama, USA; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

== Doctoral Students ==
==[ Dr. Gyula Eres]==
* Position: Senior Research Staff Member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: experimental chemical physics, synthesis of nanomaterials, photovoltaics.
* Education: Ph.D. University Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Zorica Konstantinović] ==
* Position: Staff Scientist, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, high-Tc superconductors.
* Education: Ph.D. Université Paris-Sud, France; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Milan Konstantinović] ==
* Position: Staff Scientist, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Belgium.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Draško Jovanović] ==
* Position: Senior Physicist Emeritus, Fermilab, USA.
* Research areas: experimental high-energy physics.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Chicago, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Predrag S. Krstić] ==
* Position: Senior Research Staff Member, AMO Theory, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical and computational atomic-molecular-optical physics, collisions (atoms, molecules), laser-atom interactions, plasma-surface interactions, molecular and bio electronics, nano-bio physics.
* Education: Ph.D. City College of CUNY New York, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Igor Kulić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, CNRS Strasbourg, France.
* Research areas: theoretical biophysics, polymer physics, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, bio-nanomachines.
* Education: Mainz University & Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany; B.S. University of Stuttgart, Germany.
==[ Dr. Marjana Ležaić] ==
* Position: Young Investigator Staff, Institute of Solid State Research, Research Center Jülich, Germany.
* Research areas: computational condensed matter physics, electronic-structure theory, complex materials, complex magnetism, half-metallic ferromagnets; multiferroics; nanoferronics, metal/ferroelectric interfaces, high performance scientific computing.
* Education: Ph.D. RWTH Aachen University, Germany; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Dragan Nikolić]==
* Position: Assistant Research Officer, National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada.
* Research areas: theoretical plasma physics, relativistic many-body theory of atomic structure, multiply excited states in atoms and ions, electron-ion and photon-ion collisions (dielectronic recombination, photoionization), spectral line shapes in plasmas and gases, simulations of nanoparticle self-assembly.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Stockholm, Sweden; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Cedomir Petrovic (Чедомир Петровић)] ==
* Position: Scientist, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA; Adjunct Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Adjunct Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, strongly correlated electrons, new materials for spintronics and thermoelectrics applications.
* Education: Ph.D. Florida State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
* [[Course on Materials Synthesis in Condensed Matter Physics]]
* [[Course on Thermal and Transport methods in Condensed Matter Physics]]
== [ Dr. Dragana Popović] ==
* Position: Scholar/Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, electronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) systems in semiconductor heterostructures, effects of disorder and strong electronic correlations, mesoscopic effects; 2D metal-insulator transition; glassy freezing and glassy dynamics, noise, high-temperature superconductors.
* Education: Ph.D. Brown University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Bosiljka Tadić] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Theoretical Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, theory of critical phenomena and phase transitions, static and dynamic properties of orientational glasses, numerical simulations of dynamics of complex systems/self-organized criticality, dynamic renormalization group, scaling behavior in driven disordered systems/Barkhausen noise, large-scale organization in complex evolving networks, dynamic processes on complex networks, modeling self-assembled nanoscale patterns and  biomolecular-heterostructures.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Danica Cvejanović] ==
* Position: Research Fellow, Center for Matter-Antimatter Studies, Australian Research Council Center of Excellence, Australia.
* Research areas: experimental atomic-molecular-optical physics, atomic and molecular collision studies at low impact energies and near threshold regime, complete experiments in electron impact excitation, electron-photon and electron-electron coincidence experiments, polarized photon and spin-polarized electrons studies, experiments on free metal atoms.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Miloš M. Škorić] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Fundamental Physics Simulation Research Division, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan.
* Research areas: theoretical plasma physics, fusion and Laboratory Plasma Physics, theory and simulation of nonlinear plasmas, strong Langmuir turbulence, ponderomotive effects in plasmas, relativistic laser-plasma interaction, complexity and self-organization, structures in turbulent plasmas.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Đorđe (George) Šrajer] ==
* Position: Associate Division Director of X-ray Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, liquid crystal structures, magnetic multilayers and films, resonant and non-resonant x-ray techniques to study strongly correlated materials.
* Education: Ph.D. Brandeis University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
= University Professors =
== [ Dr. Dževad Belkić] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
* Research areas: medical physics, mathematical radiation physics, quantum scattering theory, high-energy ion-atom collisions, signal processing.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Southern California, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Dolores Božović] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California Los Angeles, USA.
* Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, biological physics, sensory neuroscience.
* Education: Ph.D. Harvard University, USA; B.S. Stanford University, USA.
== [ Dr. Jasna Brujić] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, New York University, USA.
* Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, biological physics, single molecule force spectroscopy, mechanics of proteins, protein folding under force, model colloidal proteins, jammed matter, stress transmission in emulsions.
* Education: Ph.D. Cambridge University, UK; B.S. Imperial College London, UK.
== [ Dr. Časlav Brukner] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria; Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
* Research areas: quantum information theory, information-theoretical foundations of quantum physics, entanglement detection by macroscopic quantities, quantum communication complexity.
* Education: Ph.D. Vienna University of Technology, Austria; B.S. University of Vienna, Austria.
== [ Dr. Nataša Vasiljević] ==
* Position: GWR Research Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Bristol, UK.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, electrochemically controlled surface alloying.
* Education: Ph.D. Arizona State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Vlatko Vedral] ==
* Position: Full Professor of Quantum Information Science, University of Oxford, UK.
* Research areas: quantum mechanics and quantum information theory, theoretical quantum optics, entanglement in macroscopic systems, topological phases and one-way quantum computation.
* Science outreach: interview for the Observer: [ 'I'd like to explain the origin of God']; popular book [ ''Decoding reality: Universe as quantum information''] published by OUP.
* Education: Ph.D. Imperial College London, UK; B.S. Imperial College London, UK.
== [ Dr. Miloš Vićić] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Physics, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA.
* Research areas: medical physics.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Igor Vragović] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Systems Engineering and Sign Theory, University of Alicante, Spain.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, organic semiconductors, optical properties of organic molecules, noise phenomena.
* Education: Ph.D. Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Jasmina Vujić] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California Berkeley, USA.
* Research areas: numerical methods in reactor physics, neutron and photon transport, reactor core design and analysis, shielding and radiation protection, biomedical application of radiation, optimization techniques for vector and parallel computers.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Michigan, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Vladan Vuletić] ==
* Position: Lester Wolfe Associate Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
* Research areas: experimental atomic physics, ultracold atoms, cavity QED, quantum optics, atom-cavity interaction, cavity cooling, degenerate Raman sideband cooling, cold collisions, Feshbach resonances, molecule formation, microchip traps for Bose-Einstein condensates or ions, laser spectroscopy, laser design.
* Education: Ph.D. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; B.S. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.
==[ Dr. Jelena Vučković]==
* Position: Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, USA.
* Research areas: experimental and theoretical research in nanophotonics and quantum photonics, nanophotonics, photonic crystals, devices and circuits (including optical microcavities, lasers, optical switches and modulators, active silicon nanophotonics, solid-state photonic quantum information technologies, cavity quantum electrodynamics in solid-state.
* Education: Ph.D. Caltech, USA; B.S. University of Niš, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Lepša Vušković] ==
* Position: Eminent Professor, Department of Physics, Old Dominion University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical atomic and molecular physics, atomic collisions.
* Education: University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Leonardo Golubović] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, West Virginia University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, biological physics, liquid crystal elastomers, DNA-lipid membrane complexes.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Dragomir Davidović] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, discrete energy levels in metallic nanoparticles, single electron transistors and ferroelectricity, gated tips for scanning tunneling microscopy, exploring phase transformations using nm-scale electronics.
* Education: Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Vladimir Dobrosavljević] ==
* Position: Full Professor and Director of Condensed Matter Science-Theory at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics.
* Education: Ph.D. Brown University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Marija Drndić] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, nanophysics, DNA and protein analysis with nanopore-nanoelectrode devices, graphene, nanoparticle synthesis, assembly and manipulation, fluorescence spectroscopy of nanoparticles, nanofabrication (nanogaps and TEBAL), nanoelectronics.
* Education: Ph.D. Harvard University, USA; M.Phil. Cambridge University, UK; B.S. Harvard University, USA.
== [ Dr. Saša Đorđević] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Akron, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, infrared and optical spectroscopy, superconductivity, vortex dynamics, low-dimensional metals, heavy fermions, glasses and polymers.
* Education: Ph.D. University of California San Diego, USA; B.S. University of Niš, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Stanislav George Đorgovski] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Astronomy and Center for Advanced Computing Research, California Institute of Technology, USA.
* Research areas: interplay between computationally enabled science and science-driven computing, virtual observatory, large digital sky surveys and software systems, exploration of data parameter spaces, advanced data-mining and exploration techniques, extragalactic astronomy, cosmology, galaxy formation, fundamental properties of galaxies, γ-ray bursts, quasars, radio galaxies, gravitational lenses, globular star clusters, early structure evolution, cosmological tests, the nature of dark energy.
* Education: Ph.D. University of California Berkeley, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Antal Jevicki] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, Brown University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory, matrix models, quantum chromodynamics, quantum gravity, black holes, non-perturbative and collective phenomena.
* Education: Ph.D. City College of New York, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Nemanja Kaloper] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, University of California Davis, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory, cosmology.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Minnesota, USA; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Irena Knežević] ==
*Position: Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
*Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, simulation of electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices, nanowire thermoelectrics, heat transport on the nanoscale, ecoherence and relaxation in nanostructures, transient and high-frequency response, transport in curved 2D electron systems, solid-state-based quantum information processing.
*Education: Ph.D. Arizona State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Maja Krčmar] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Grand Valley State University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, first-principles calculations to study structural and electronic properties of diverse physical systems (from ferroelectric insulators to metals and alloys).
* Education: Ph.D. Texas A & M University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Jané Kondev] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Martin A. Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, biological physics, mechanical properties of polymers, regulation of gene expression and DNA packing in viruses, effect of confinement and constraints on the equilibrium structure and dynamics of fluctuating lines and surfaces.
* Education: Ph.D. Cornell University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Csaba Korpa] ==
* Position: Full Professor, University of Pécs, Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics, Hungary.
* Research areas: theoretical nuclear physics, hyperons and antikaons in nuclear matter, nuclear matter under extreme conditions.
* Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Miodrag Kulić] ==
*Position: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
*Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, superconductivity.
*Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Marko Lončar] ==
*Position: Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA.
*Research areas: photonic crystal nanolasers and single photon sources, nonlinear optics and photonic crystal nanobeam cavities, reconfigurable nano-optomechanical devices and their applications, meta-materials for THz applications, diamond photonics and quantum optics, intra-cavity, on-chip bio-chemical sensing.
*Education: Ph.D. Caltech, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Petar Maksimović] ==
*Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, USA.
*Research areas: experimental high energy physics.
*Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Jelena Maričić] ==
*Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Drexel University, USA.
*Research areas: experimental high energy physics, neutrino properties, neutrino oscillations, CP-violation in lepton sector, geo-neutrinos.
*Education: Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Milica Medved] ==
*Position: Assistant Professor, Lynn S. Florsheim MRIS Lab, University of Chicago, USA.
*Research areas: medical physics, magnetic resonance imaging.
*Education: Ph.D. University of Chicago, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Milan Mijić] ==
*Position: Associate Professor, California State University Los Angeles, USA.
*Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, cosmology.
*Education: Ph.D. Caltech, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Aleksandar Miković] ==
*Position: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Lusófona University, Portugal.
*Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, quantum gravity, quantum field theory.
*Education: Ph.D. University of Maryland College Park, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Tatjana Miletić] ==
*Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rowan University, USA.
*Research areas: experimental high energy physics, neutrino properties, neutrino oscillations, CP-violation in lepton sector.
*Education: Ph.D. Drexel University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Vesna Milošević-Zdjelar] ==
*Position: Instructor II, Department of Physics, University of Winnipeg, Canada.
*Research areas: galactic Astronomy, astrophysical cosmology, anthropic principle, physical eschatology.
*Education: Ph.D. University of Manitoba, Canada; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Milorad Milošević] ==
*Position: Associate Professor, Departement Fysica, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium.
*Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, nanoscale phenomena in superconducting structures (when exposed to external magnetic field, and/or current or temperature changes), flux pinning, dynamics and vortex-antivortex phenomena, engineering of critical parameters and applications, multi-band superconductivity in pnictides, superconductivity in graphene, soft condensed matter, metalization of biomolecular templates.
*Education: Marie-Curie Fellowship at University of Bath, UK; Ph.D. Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium; B.S. in Physical Electronics, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Đorđe Minić] ==
*Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, USA.
*Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory.
*Education: Ph.D. University of Texas Austin, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Božidar Mitrović] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, Brock University, Canada.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, fluctuations in superconductors, multiband superconductors, localization and superconductivity, high-Tc superconducting materials, superconducting glassy state, transport properties of heavy fermion systems.
* Education: Ph.D. McMaster University, Canada; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Vesna F. Mitrović] ==
*Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Brown University, USA.
*Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, quantum magnetism, unconventional superconductivity, NMR spectroscopy techniques.
*Education: Ph.D. Northwestern University, USA; B.S. Illinois Institute of Technology, USA.
==[ Dr. Vladan Mlinar]==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Brown University, USA.
* Research areas: computational condensed matter physics, electronic, optical, and transport properties of semiconductor, metallic, and graphene nanostructures, interelectronic and spin interactions in confined spaces, confined massless fermion states in a graphene quantum well.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Antwerpen, Belgium; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [,+Olivera Dr. Olivera Mišković] ==
*Position: Docente, Instituto de Fısica, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaıso, Chile.
*Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, superstring theory, quantum gravity.
*Education: Ph.D. University of Santiago, Chile; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [  Dr. Branislav K. Nikolić] ==
*Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Delaware, USA.
*Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, spintronics, graphene nanoelectronics, strongly correlated electrons, quantum transport, nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, high performance scientific computing.
*Education: Ph.D. Stony Brook University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [  Dr. Predrag Nikolić] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, George Mason University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, strongly correlated many-body systems, quantum phase transitions, ultracold atoms.
* Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Zorka Papadopolos] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Tubingen, Germany.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, quasicrystals.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Ana Pejović-Milić] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Ryerson University, Canada.
* Research areas: medical physics, trace elements analysis in humans, bone strontium, aluminum, manganese, and magnesium, nuclear analytical methods for medical applications, X-ray fluorescence, ''in vivo'' neutron activation analysis.
* Education: Ph.D. McMaster University, Canada; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Vladimir Petričević] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, City College of the CUNY, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, characterization and development of tunable solid-state lasers, growth and characterization of laser crystals, spectroscopy of impurity ions in crystals, ultrafast spectroscopy, fiber and waveguide amplifiers, optical communications.
* Education: Ph.D. City University of New York, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Milun Raković] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Grand Valley State University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical atomic physics, nonlinear dynamics.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Zoran Ristovski] ==
* Position: Senior Lecturer, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia.
* Research areas: aerosol physics with a special focus on nanoparticles vehicle emission studies, atmospheric dispersion of nanoparticles, development of novel nanoparticles instrumentation.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Rastko Sknepnek]==
* Position: Lecturer in Physics and Dundee Fellow, School of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK.
* Research areas: soft condensed matter physics, thin-sheet mechanics, DNA-guide assembly of nanoparticles, interactions between curvature and order, computational physics
* Education: Ph.D. Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly University of Missouri - Rolla), USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Roman Sordan] ==
* Position: Group Leader, Politecnico di Milano, Polo di Como, Italy.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, nanoscale devices in two-dimensional systems.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [  Dr. Snežana Stanimirović] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA.
* Research areas: radio astronomy, small ionized and neutral structures in the diffuse interstellar medium.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Western Sydney, Australia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Dejan Stojković] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, cosmology, general relativity, particle physics, quantum field theory, black holes, extra dimensions, brane world models, beyond the Standard Model phenomenology, topological defects.
* Science outreach: weekly magazin "Vreme" [ interviews Prof. Dr. Dejan Stojković] for their serial on "Presenting Serbian scientists abroad".
* Education: Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrad, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Nenad Stojilović] ==
* Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, nanofibers and nanotechnology, IR, UV-vis, and electron spectroscopy of single crystals, biomaterials, Monte Carlo simulations of polymer melts and blends.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Akron, USA; B.S. University of Belgrad, Serbia.
== [ Dr. László Forró] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Institute of Physics of Complex Matter, EPFL-Lausanne, Switzerland.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, novel electronic materials, functional nanostructures, biological physics.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Zagreb, Croatia; B.S. Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary.
== [ Dr. Zoran Hadžibabić] ==
* Position: Lecturer, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK.
* Research areas: experimental AMO physics, ultracold gases, superfluidity, quantum magnetism, non-equilibrium phenomena, the effects of reduced dimensionality in both bosonic and fermionic systems.
* Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. Cambridge University, UK.
== [ Dr. Igor Herbut] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, superconductivity and Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum and classical phase transitions and critical phenomena, disordered systems, [ strongly correlated electrons].
* Books: [ A modern approach to critical phenomena].
* Science outreach: weekly magazin "Vreme" [ interviews Prof. Dr. Igor Herbut] for their serial on "Presenting Serbian scientists abroad".
* Education: Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [  Dr. Miroslav Filipović] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, Computational Astrophysics, Imaging and Visualisation, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
* Research areas: radio astronomy, X-ray astronomy, astrobiology, supernova remnants and planetary nebulae.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Western Sydney, Australia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
== [ Dr. Tristan Hübsch] ==
* Position: Full Professor, Departments of Physics & Astronomy  & Mathematics, Howard University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, superstring theory, supersymmetry and supersymmetric systems, superspace and related techniques, mathematical physics. 
* Education: Ph.D. University of Maryland College Park, USA; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
= Postdoctoral Fellows =
==[ Dr. Relja Vasić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Yeshiva University, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, multiferroics.
* Education: Ph.D. Florida State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Marija Vucelja]==
*Position: Postdoctoral Fellow (Courant Instructor), Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA.
*Research areas: non-equilibrium statistical physics, mathematical physics, theory of turbulence, soft condensed matter.
*Education: Ph.D. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Diana Dulić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, molecular electronics.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Groningen, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Vladimir Juričić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, topological insulators, graphene, field theoretical methods in condensed matter physics.
* Education: Ph.D. University Utrecht, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Katarina Kovač]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Astronomy, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
* Research areas: extragalactic astrophysics, observational cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution and large scale structure.
* Education: Ph.D. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Andrej Mesaroš]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, topological phases of matter.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Leiden, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Stevan Nadj-Perge]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, spintronics, quantum computing, semiconducting nanowires and dots.
* Education: Ph.D. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Zlatko Papić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Princeton University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, fractional quantum Hall effect.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Nikola Paunković]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, IST, Lisbon, Portugal.
* Research areas: quantum information theory, macroscopic distinguishability, phase transitions and the emergence of classicality from quantum physics, entanglement and indistinguishability, entanglement in many-body systems, quantum walks, quantum communication protocols.
* Education: Ph.D. Oxford University, UK; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Ivana Petković]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Yale University, USA.
* Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, Josephson junctions, plasmonics.
* Education: Ph.D. Laboratoire de Physique des Solides Orsay, France; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Ana Predojević]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
* Research areas: experimental atomic molecular optical (AMO) physics, squeezed light, photonics.
* Education: Ph.D. [ Institute of Photonic Sciences], Spain; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Ivana Savić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of California Davis, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, phonon and electron transport in nanoscale systems, modeling and design of thermoelectric and optoelectronic devices.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Leeds, UK; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Jelena Stajić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, biological physics, mathematical modeling of gene circuits, signal transduction in prokaryotes, superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases, high temperature superconductivity.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Chicago, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Vladan Stevanović]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, density functional theory, computational physics.
* Education: Ph.D. EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Dimitrije Stepanenko]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Basel, Switzerland.
* Research areas:  theoretical condensed matter physics, spintronics, quantum computing.
* Education: Ph.D. Florida State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Vladimir M. Stojanović]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Basel, Switzerland.
* Research areas:  theoretical condensed matter physics, polarons in solid-state systems.
* Education: Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Jasmina Tekić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, China.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, nonlinear dynamics.
* Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Matija Ćuk]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical astrophysics, planetary dynamics.
* Education: Ph.D. Cornell University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Vladimir Cvetković]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Riverside, USA.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, strongly correlated quantum matter, iron-pnictides superconductivity, cuprate superconductivity, gauge field theories in condensed matter, duality, graphene.
* Education: Ph.D. Leiden University, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
==[ Dr. Tatjana Škrbić]==
* Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Trento, Italy.
* Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, 4He and 3He clusters, quantum Monte Carlo, computational physics. 
* Education: Ph.D. [ SISSA], Italy; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Latest revision as of 10:09, 15 February 2023

Scientists at National Laboratories

Dr. Olgica Bakajin

  • Position: Staff Scientist, Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, nanoscience and nanotechnology especially as applied to molecular transport through structures commensurate with molecular size, molecular separation methods, microfluidics, protein folding kinetics, applications of micro and nanotechnology to biosecurity and medicine.
  • Education: Ph.D. Princeton University, USA; B.S. University of Chicago, USA.

Dr. Radoje Belušević

  • Position: Staff Scientist, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan.
  • Research areas: experimental high energy physics, neutrino phenomenology, Higgs production in photon-photon collisions, data acquisition electronics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Birmingham, UK; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Ivan Božović

  • Position: Molecular Beam Epitaxy Group Leader, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, high-temperature superconductors.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Emil Božin

  • Position: Associate Research Scientist, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, local structural effects in perovskite oxides and related compounds, structurally disordered and nanoscale materials.
  • Education: Ph.D. Michigan State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Ana Damjanović

  • Position: Associate Research Scientist, Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, Laboratory of Computational Biology and National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA.
  • Research areas: computational biophysics, ligand-driven conformational rearrangements in proteins, protein-water interactions, light-harvesting in purple bacteria, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Želimir Đurčić

  • Position: Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental particle physics, in particular neutrino physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Alabama, USA; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Gyula Eres

  • Position: Senior Research Staff Member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental chemical physics, synthesis of nanomaterials, photovoltaics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Zorica Konstantinović

  • Position: Staff Scientist, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, high-Tc superconductors.
  • Education: Ph.D. Université Paris-Sud, France; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Milan Konstantinović

  • Position: Staff Scientist, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Belgium.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Draško Jovanović

  • Position: Senior Physicist Emeritus, Fermilab, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental high-energy physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Chicago, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Predrag S. Krstić

  • Position: Senior Research Staff Member, AMO Theory, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical and computational atomic-molecular-optical physics, collisions (atoms, molecules), laser-atom interactions, plasma-surface interactions, molecular and bio electronics, nano-bio physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. City College of CUNY New York, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Igor Kulić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, CNRS Strasbourg, France.
  • Research areas: theoretical biophysics, polymer physics, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, bio-nanomachines.
  • Education: Mainz University & Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany; B.S. University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Dr. Marjana Ležaić

  • Position: Young Investigator Staff, Institute of Solid State Research, Research Center Jülich, Germany.
  • Research areas: computational condensed matter physics, electronic-structure theory, complex materials, complex magnetism, half-metallic ferromagnets; multiferroics; nanoferronics, metal/ferroelectric interfaces, high performance scientific computing.
  • Education: Ph.D. RWTH Aachen University, Germany; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Dragan Nikolić

  • Position: Assistant Research Officer, National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada.
  • Research areas: theoretical plasma physics, relativistic many-body theory of atomic structure, multiply excited states in atoms and ions, electron-ion and photon-ion collisions (dielectronic recombination, photoionization), spectral line shapes in plasmas and gases, simulations of nanoparticle self-assembly.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Stockholm, Sweden; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Cedomir Petrovic (Чедомир Петровић)

  • Position: Scientist, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA; Adjunct Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Adjunct Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, strongly correlated electrons, new materials for spintronics and thermoelectrics applications.
  • Education: Ph.D. Florida State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Course on Materials Synthesis in Condensed Matter Physics
  • Course on Thermal and Transport methods in Condensed Matter Physics

Dr. Dragana Popović

  • Position: Scholar/Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, electronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) systems in semiconductor heterostructures, effects of disorder and strong electronic correlations, mesoscopic effects; 2D metal-insulator transition; glassy freezing and glassy dynamics, noise, high-temperature superconductors.
  • Education: Ph.D. Brown University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Bosiljka Tadić

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Theoretical Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, theory of critical phenomena and phase transitions, static and dynamic properties of orientational glasses, numerical simulations of dynamics of complex systems/self-organized criticality, dynamic renormalization group, scaling behavior in driven disordered systems/Barkhausen noise, large-scale organization in complex evolving networks, dynamic processes on complex networks, modeling self-assembled nanoscale patterns and biomolecular-heterostructures.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Danica Cvejanović

  • Position: Research Fellow, Center for Matter-Antimatter Studies, Australian Research Council Center of Excellence, Australia.
  • Research areas: experimental atomic-molecular-optical physics, atomic and molecular collision studies at low impact energies and near threshold regime, complete experiments in electron impact excitation, electron-photon and electron-electron coincidence experiments, polarized photon and spin-polarized electrons studies, experiments on free metal atoms.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Miloš M. Škorić

  • Position: Full Professor, Fundamental Physics Simulation Research Division, National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan.
  • Research areas: theoretical plasma physics, fusion and Laboratory Plasma Physics, theory and simulation of nonlinear plasmas, strong Langmuir turbulence, ponderomotive effects in plasmas, relativistic laser-plasma interaction, complexity and self-organization, structures in turbulent plasmas.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Đorđe (George) Šrajer

  • Position: Associate Division Director of X-ray Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, liquid crystal structures, magnetic multilayers and films, resonant and non-resonant x-ray techniques to study strongly correlated materials.
  • Education: Ph.D. Brandeis University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

University Professors

Dr. Dževad Belkić

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.
  • Research areas: medical physics, mathematical radiation physics, quantum scattering theory, high-energy ion-atom collisions, signal processing.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Southern California, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Dolores Božović

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California Los Angeles, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, biological physics, sensory neuroscience.
  • Education: Ph.D. Harvard University, USA; B.S. Stanford University, USA.

Dr. Jasna Brujić

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, New York University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, biological physics, single molecule force spectroscopy, mechanics of proteins, protein folding under force, model colloidal proteins, jammed matter, stress transmission in emulsions.
  • Education: Ph.D. Cambridge University, UK; B.S. Imperial College London, UK.

Dr. Časlav Brukner

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria; Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Research areas: quantum information theory, information-theoretical foundations of quantum physics, entanglement detection by macroscopic quantities, quantum communication complexity.
  • Education: Ph.D. Vienna University of Technology, Austria; B.S. University of Vienna, Austria.

Dr. Nataša Vasiljević

  • Position: GWR Research Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Bristol, UK.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, electrochemically controlled surface alloying.
  • Education: Ph.D. Arizona State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vlatko Vedral

  • Position: Full Professor of Quantum Information Science, University of Oxford, UK.
  • Research areas: quantum mechanics and quantum information theory, theoretical quantum optics, entanglement in macroscopic systems, topological phases and one-way quantum computation.
  • Science outreach: interview for the Observer: 'I'd like to explain the origin of God'; popular book Decoding reality: Universe as quantum information published by OUP.
  • Education: Ph.D. Imperial College London, UK; B.S. Imperial College London, UK.

Dr. Miloš Vićić

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Physics, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA.
  • Research areas: medical physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Igor Vragović

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Systems Engineering and Sign Theory, University of Alicante, Spain.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, organic semiconductors, optical properties of organic molecules, noise phenomena.
  • Education: Ph.D. Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Jasmina Vujić

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California Berkeley, USA.
  • Research areas: numerical methods in reactor physics, neutron and photon transport, reactor core design and analysis, shielding and radiation protection, biomedical application of radiation, optimization techniques for vector and parallel computers.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Michigan, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladan Vuletić

  • Position: Lester Wolfe Associate Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental atomic physics, ultracold atoms, cavity QED, quantum optics, atom-cavity interaction, cavity cooling, degenerate Raman sideband cooling, cold collisions, Feshbach resonances, molecule formation, microchip traps for Bose-Einstein condensates or ions, laser spectroscopy, laser design.
  • Education: Ph.D. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; B.S. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.

Dr. Jelena Vučković

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental and theoretical research in nanophotonics and quantum photonics, nanophotonics, photonic crystals, devices and circuits (including optical microcavities, lasers, optical switches and modulators, active silicon nanophotonics, solid-state photonic quantum information technologies, cavity quantum electrodynamics in solid-state.
  • Education: Ph.D. Caltech, USA; B.S. University of Niš, Serbia.

Dr. Lepša Vušković

  • Position: Eminent Professor, Department of Physics, Old Dominion University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical atomic and molecular physics, atomic collisions.
  • Education: University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Leonardo Golubović

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, West Virginia University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, biological physics, liquid crystal elastomers, DNA-lipid membrane complexes.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Dragomir Davidović

  • Position: Associate Professor, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, discrete energy levels in metallic nanoparticles, single electron transistors and ferroelectricity, gated tips for scanning tunneling microscopy, exploring phase transformations using nm-scale electronics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladimir Dobrosavljević

  • Position: Full Professor and Director of Condensed Matter Science-Theory at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Brown University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Marija Drndić

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, nanophysics, DNA and protein analysis with nanopore-nanoelectrode devices, graphene, nanoparticle synthesis, assembly and manipulation, fluorescence spectroscopy of nanoparticles, nanofabrication (nanogaps and TEBAL), nanoelectronics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Harvard University, USA; M.Phil. Cambridge University, UK; B.S. Harvard University, USA.

Dr. Saša Đorđević

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Akron, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, infrared and optical spectroscopy, superconductivity, vortex dynamics, low-dimensional metals, heavy fermions, glasses and polymers.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of California San Diego, USA; B.S. University of Niš, Serbia.

Dr. Stanislav George Đorgovski

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Astronomy and Center for Advanced Computing Research, California Institute of Technology, USA.
  • Research areas: interplay between computationally enabled science and science-driven computing, virtual observatory, large digital sky surveys and software systems, exploration of data parameter spaces, advanced data-mining and exploration techniques, extragalactic astronomy, cosmology, galaxy formation, fundamental properties of galaxies, γ-ray bursts, quasars, radio galaxies, gravitational lenses, globular star clusters, early structure evolution, cosmological tests, the nature of dark energy.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of California Berkeley, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Antal Jevicki

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, Brown University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory, matrix models, quantum chromodynamics, quantum gravity, black holes, non-perturbative and collective phenomena.
  • Education: Ph.D. City College of New York, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Nemanja Kaloper

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, University of California Davis, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory, cosmology.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Minnesota, USA; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Irena Knežević

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, simulation of electronic and optoelectronic semiconductor devices, nanowire thermoelectrics, heat transport on the nanoscale, ecoherence and relaxation in nanostructures, transient and high-frequency response, transport in curved 2D electron systems, solid-state-based quantum information processing.
  • Education: Ph.D. Arizona State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Maja Krčmar

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Grand Valley State University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, first-principles calculations to study structural and electronic properties of diverse physical systems (from ferroelectric insulators to metals and alloys).
  • Education: Ph.D. Texas A & M University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Jané Kondev

  • Position: Full Professor, Martin A. Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, biological physics, mechanical properties of polymers, regulation of gene expression and DNA packing in viruses, effect of confinement and constraints on the equilibrium structure and dynamics of fluctuating lines and surfaces.
  • Education: Ph.D. Cornell University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Csaba Korpa

  • Position: Full Professor, University of Pécs, Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics, Hungary.
  • Research areas: theoretical nuclear physics, hyperons and antikaons in nuclear matter, nuclear matter under extreme conditions.
  • Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Miodrag Kulić

  • Position: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, superconductivity.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Marko Lončar

  • Position: Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA.
  • Research areas: photonic crystal nanolasers and single photon sources, nonlinear optics and photonic crystal nanobeam cavities, reconfigurable nano-optomechanical devices and their applications, meta-materials for THz applications, diamond photonics and quantum optics, intra-cavity, on-chip bio-chemical sensing.
  • Education: Ph.D. Caltech, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Petar Maksimović

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental high energy physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Jelena Maričić

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Drexel University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental high energy physics, neutrino properties, neutrino oscillations, CP-violation in lepton sector, geo-neutrinos.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Milica Medved

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Lynn S. Florsheim MRIS Lab, University of Chicago, USA.
  • Research areas: medical physics, magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Chicago, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Milan Mijić

  • Position: Associate Professor, California State University Los Angeles, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, cosmology.
  • Education: Ph.D. Caltech, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Aleksandar Miković

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Lusófona University, Portugal.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, quantum gravity, quantum field theory.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Maryland College Park, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Tatjana Miletić

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rowan University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental high energy physics, neutrino properties, neutrino oscillations, CP-violation in lepton sector.
  • Education: Ph.D. Drexel University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vesna Milošević-Zdjelar

  • Position: Instructor II, Department of Physics, University of Winnipeg, Canada.
  • Research areas: galactic Astronomy, astrophysical cosmology, anthropic principle, physical eschatology.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Manitoba, Canada; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Milorad Milošević

  • Position: Associate Professor, Departement Fysica, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, nanoscale phenomena in superconducting structures (when exposed to external magnetic field, and/or current or temperature changes), flux pinning, dynamics and vortex-antivortex phenomena, engineering of critical parameters and applications, multi-band superconductivity in pnictides, superconductivity in graphene, soft condensed matter, metalization of biomolecular templates.
  • Education: Marie-Curie Fellowship at University of Bath, UK; Ph.D. Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium; B.S. in Physical Electronics, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Đorđe Minić

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Virginia Tech, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Texas Austin, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Božidar Mitrović

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, Brock University, Canada.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, fluctuations in superconductors, multiband superconductors, localization and superconductivity, high-Tc superconducting materials, superconducting glassy state, transport properties of heavy fermion systems.
  • Education: Ph.D. McMaster University, Canada; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vesna F. Mitrović

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Brown University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, quantum magnetism, unconventional superconductivity, NMR spectroscopy techniques.
  • Education: Ph.D. Northwestern University, USA; B.S. Illinois Institute of Technology, USA.

Dr. Vladan Mlinar

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Brown University, USA.
  • Research areas: computational condensed matter physics, electronic, optical, and transport properties of semiconductor, metallic, and graphene nanostructures, interelectronic and spin interactions in confined spaces, confined massless fermion states in a graphene quantum well.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Antwerpen, Belgium; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Olivera Mišković

  • Position: Docente, Instituto de Fısica, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaıso, Chile.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, superstring theory, quantum gravity.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Santiago, Chile; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Branislav K. Nikolić

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Delaware, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, spintronics, graphene nanoelectronics, strongly correlated electrons, quantum transport, nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, high performance scientific computing.
  • Education: Ph.D. Stony Brook University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Predrag Nikolić

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, George Mason University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, strongly correlated many-body systems, quantum phase transitions, ultracold atoms.
  • Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Zorka Papadopolos

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Tubingen, Germany.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, quasicrystals.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Ana Pejović-Milić

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Ryerson University, Canada.
  • Research areas: medical physics, trace elements analysis in humans, bone strontium, aluminum, manganese, and magnesium, nuclear analytical methods for medical applications, X-ray fluorescence, in vivo neutron activation analysis.
  • Education: Ph.D. McMaster University, Canada; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladimir Petričević

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, City College of the CUNY, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, characterization and development of tunable solid-state lasers, growth and characterization of laser crystals, spectroscopy of impurity ions in crystals, ultrafast spectroscopy, fiber and waveguide amplifiers, optical communications.
  • Education: Ph.D. City University of New York, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Milun Raković

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Grand Valley State University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical atomic physics, nonlinear dynamics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Zoran Ristovski

  • Position: Senior Lecturer, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia.
  • Research areas: aerosol physics with a special focus on nanoparticles vehicle emission studies, atmospheric dispersion of nanoparticles, development of novel nanoparticles instrumentation.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Rastko Sknepnek

  • Position: Lecturer in Physics and Dundee Fellow, School of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, UK.
  • Research areas: soft condensed matter physics, thin-sheet mechanics, DNA-guide assembly of nanoparticles, interactions between curvature and order, computational physics
  • Education: Ph.D. Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly University of Missouri - Rolla), USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Roman Sordan

  • Position: Group Leader, Politecnico di Milano, Polo di Como, Italy.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, nanoscale devices in two-dimensional systems.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Snežana Stanimirović

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA.
  • Research areas: radio astronomy, small ionized and neutral structures in the diffuse interstellar medium.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Western Sydney, Australia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Dejan Stojković

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, cosmology, general relativity, particle physics, quantum field theory, black holes, extra dimensions, brane world models, beyond the Standard Model phenomenology, topological defects.
  • Science outreach: weekly magazin "Vreme" interviews Prof. Dr. Dejan Stojković for their serial on "Presenting Serbian scientists abroad".
  • Education: Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrad, Serbia.

Dr. Nenad Stojilović

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, nanofibers and nanotechnology, IR, UV-vis, and electron spectroscopy of single crystals, biomaterials, Monte Carlo simulations of polymer melts and blends.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Akron, USA; B.S. University of Belgrad, Serbia.

Dr. László Forró

  • Position: Full Professor, Institute of Physics of Complex Matter, EPFL-Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, novel electronic materials, functional nanostructures, biological physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Zagreb, Croatia; B.S. Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary.

Dr. Zoran Hadžibabić

  • Position: Lecturer, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK.
  • Research areas: experimental AMO physics, ultracold gases, superfluidity, quantum magnetism, non-equilibrium phenomena, the effects of reduced dimensionality in both bosonic and fermionic systems.
  • Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. Cambridge University, UK.

Dr. Igor Herbut

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, superconductivity and Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum and classical phase transitions and critical phenomena, disordered systems, strongly correlated electrons.
  • Books: A modern approach to critical phenomena.
  • Science outreach: weekly magazin "Vreme" interviews Prof. Dr. Igor Herbut for their serial on "Presenting Serbian scientists abroad".
  • Education: Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Miroslav Filipović

  • Position: Associate Professor, Computational Astrophysics, Imaging and Visualisation, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
  • Research areas: radio astronomy, X-ray astronomy, astrobiology, supernova remnants and planetary nebulae.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Western Sydney, Australia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Tristan Hübsch

  • Position: Full Professor, Departments of Physics & Astronomy & Mathematics, Howard University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, superstring theory, supersymmetry and supersymmetric systems, superspace and related techniques, mathematical physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Maryland College Park, USA; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Relja Vasić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Yeshiva University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, multiferroics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Florida State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Marija Vucelja

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow (Courant Instructor), Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA.
  • Research areas: non-equilibrium statistical physics, mathematical physics, theory of turbulence, soft condensed matter.
  • Education: Ph.D. Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Diana Dulić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, molecular electronics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Groningen, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladimir Juričić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, topological insulators, graphene, field theoretical methods in condensed matter physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University Utrecht, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Katarina Kovač

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Astronomy, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
  • Research areas: extragalactic astrophysics, observational cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution and large scale structure.
  • Education: Ph.D. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Andrej Mesaroš

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, topological phases of matter.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Leiden, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Stevan Nadj-Perge

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, spintronics, quantum computing, semiconducting nanowires and dots.
  • Education: Ph.D. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Zlatko Papić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Princeton University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, fractional quantum Hall effect.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Nikola Paunković

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, IST, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Research areas: quantum information theory, macroscopic distinguishability, phase transitions and the emergence of classicality from quantum physics, entanglement and indistinguishability, entanglement in many-body systems, quantum walks, quantum communication protocols.
  • Education: Ph.D. Oxford University, UK; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Ivana Petković

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Yale University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, Josephson junctions, plasmonics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Laboratoire de Physique des Solides Orsay, France; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Ana Predojević

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Research areas: experimental atomic molecular optical (AMO) physics, squeezed light, photonics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Ivana Savić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of California Davis, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, phonon and electron transport in nanoscale systems, modeling and design of thermoelectric and optoelectronic devices.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Leeds, UK; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Jelena Stajić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, biological physics, mathematical modeling of gene circuits, signal transduction in prokaryotes, superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases, high temperature superconductivity.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Chicago, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladan Stevanović

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, density functional theory, computational physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Dimitrije Stepanenko

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Basel, Switzerland.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, spintronics, quantum computing.
  • Education: Ph.D. Florida State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladimir M. Stojanović

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Basel, Switzerland.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, polarons in solid-state systems.
  • Education: Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Jasmina Tekić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University, China.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, nonlinear dynamics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Matija Ćuk

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical astrophysics, planetary dynamics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Cornell University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladimir Cvetković

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Riverside, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, strongly correlated quantum matter, iron-pnictides superconductivity, cuprate superconductivity, gauge field theories in condensed matter, duality, graphene.
  • Education: Ph.D. Leiden University, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Tatjana Škrbić

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Trento, Italy.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, 4He and 3He clusters, quantum Monte Carlo, computational physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. SISSA, Italy; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.