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* Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, biological physics, sensory neuroscience.
* Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, biological physics, sensory neuroscience.
* Education: Ph.D. Harvard University, USA; B.S. Stanford University, USA.
* Education: Ph.D. Harvard University, USA; B.S. Stanford University, USA.
== [ Dr. Časlav Brukner] ==
* Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria; Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
* Research areas: quantum information theory, information-theoretical foundations of quantum physics, entanglement detection by macroscopic quantities, quantum communication complexity.
* Education: Ph.D. Vienna University of Technology, Austria; B.S. University of Vienna, Austria.

== [ Dr. Dragomir Davidović] ==
== [ Dr. Dragomir Davidović] ==

Revision as of 09:31, 22 November 2009

Scientists at National Laboratories

Dr. Ivan Božović

  • Position: Molecular Beam Epitaxy Group Leader, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, high-temperature superconductors.
  • Education: Ph.D. and B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Emil Božin

  • Position: Associate Research Scientist, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, local structural effects in perovskite oxides and related compounds, structurally disordered and nanoscale materials.
  • Education: Ph.D. Michigan State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Čedomir Petrović

  • Position: Scientist, Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, strongly correlated electrons, new materials for spintronics and thermoelectrics applications.
  • Education: Ph.D. Brown University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Dragana Popović

  • Position: Scholar/Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, electronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) systems in semiconductor heterostructures, effects of disorder and strong electronic correlations, mesoscopic effects; 2D metal-insulator transition; glassy freezing and glassy dynamics, noise, high-temperature superconductors.
  • Education: Ph.D. Brown University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

University Professors

Dr. Dolores Božović

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California Los Angeles, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental soft condensed matter physics, biological physics, sensory neuroscience.
  • Education: Ph.D. Harvard University, USA; B.S. Stanford University, USA.

Dr. Časlav Brukner

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria; Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Research areas: quantum information theory, information-theoretical foundations of quantum physics, entanglement detection by macroscopic quantities, quantum communication complexity.
  • Education: Ph.D. Vienna University of Technology, Austria; B.S. University of Vienna, Austria.

Dr. Dragomir Davidović

  • Position: Associate Professor, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, discrete energy levels in metallic nanoparticles, single electron transistors and ferroelectricity, gated tips for scanning tunneling microscopy, exploring phase transformations using nm-scale electronics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, USA; B.Sc. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladimir Dobrosavljević

  • Position: Full Professor and Director of Condensed Matter Science-Theory at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Brown University, USA; B.Sc. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Marija Drndić

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, nanophysics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Harvard University, USA; M.Phil. Cambridge University, UK; B.S. Harvard University, USA.

Dr. Leonardo Golubović

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, West Virginia University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, biological physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Belgrade, Serbia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Zoran Hadžibabić

  • Position: Lecturer, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, UK.
  • Research areas: experimental atomic physics, ultracold gases, superfluidity, quantum magnetism, non-equilibrium phenomena, the effects of reduced dimensionality in both bosonic and fermionic systems.
  • Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. Cambridge University, UK.

Dr. Igor Herbut

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, superconductivity and Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum and classical phase transitions and critical phenomena, disordered systems, strongly interacting electrons.
  • Education: Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Antal Jevicki

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, Brown University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory, matrix models, quantum chromodynamics, quantum gravity, black holes, non-perturbative and collective phenomena.
  • Education: Ph.D. City College of New York, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Nemanja Kaloper

  • Position: Full Professor, Department of Physics, University of California Davis, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory, cosmology.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Minnesota, USA; B.S. University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Maja Krčmar

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Grand Valley State University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, first-principles calculations to study structural and electronic properties of diverse physical systems (from ferroelectric insulators to metals and alloys).
  • Education: Ph.D. Texas A & M University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Jané Kondev

  • Position: Full Professor, Martin A. Fisher School of Physics, Brandeis University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, biological physics, mechanical properties of polymers, regulation of gene expression and DNA packing in viruses, effect of confinement and constraints on the equilibrium structure and dynamics of fluctuating lines and surfaces.
  • Education: Ph.D. Cornell University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Miodrag Kulić

  • Position: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, superconductivity.
  • Education: Ph.D. and B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Petar Maksimović

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental high energy physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Jelena Maričić

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Drexel University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental high energy physics, neutrino properties, neutrino oscillations, CP-violation in lepton sector, geo-neutrinos.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Aleksandar Miković

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Lusófona University, Portugal.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, quantum Gravity, quantum field theory.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Maryland College Park, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Đorđe Minić

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Virgnia Tech, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, string theory.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Texas Austin, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vesna Mitrović

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Brown University, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, quantum magnetism, unconventional superconductivity, NMR spectroscopy techniques.
  • Education: Ph.D. Northwestern University, USA; B.S. Illinois Institute of Technology, USA.

Dr. Branislav K. Nikolić

  • Position: Associate Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Delaware, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, graphene nanoelectronics, spintronics, strongly correlated electrons, quantum transport, nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics high performance scientific computing.
  • Education: Ph.D. Stony Brook University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Predrag Nikolić

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, George Mason University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, strongly correlated many-body systems, quantum phases and phase transitions.
  • Education: Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Snežana Stanimirović

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA.
  • Research areas: radio astronomy, small ionized and neutral structures in the diffuse interstellar medium.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Western Sydney, Australia; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Dejan Stojković

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical high energy physics, cosmology, general relativity, particle physics, field Theory, black holes, extra dimensions, brane world models, beyond the Standard Model Phenomenology, topological defects.
  • Education: Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrad, Serbia.

Dr. Vlatko Vedral

  • Position: Full Professor of Quantum Information Science, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
  • Research areas: quantum mechanics and quantum information theory, theoretical quantum optics, entanglement in macroscopic systems, topological phases and one-way quantum computation.
  • Education: Ph.D. and B.S. Imperial College London, UK.

Dr. Vladan Vuletić

  • Position: Lester Wolfe Associate Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental atomic physics, ultracold atoms, cavity QED, quantum optics, atom-cavity interaction, cavity cooling, degenerate Raman sideband cooling, cold collisions, Feshbach resonances, molecule formation, microchip traps for Bose-Einstein condensates or ions, laser spectroscopy, laser design.
  • Education: Ph.D. and B.S. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Vladimir Cvetković

  • Position: Postoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, strongly correlated quantum matter, iron-pnictides superconductivity, cuprate superconductivity, gauge field theories in condensed matter, duality, graphene.
  • Education: Ph.D. Leiden University, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladimir Juričić

  • Position: Postoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics.
  • Education: Ph.D. University Utrecht, The Netherlands; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Igor Kulić

  • Position: Postoctoral Fellow, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical biophysics, polymer physics, nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, bio-nanomachines.
  • Education: Mainz University & Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany; B.S. University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Dr. Goran Mihajlović

  • Position: Postoctoral Fellow, Materials Science Divsion, Argonne National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: experimental condensed matter physics, spintronics.
  • Education: Ph.D. Florida State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Jelena Stajić

  • Position: Postoctoral Fellow, Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, biological physics, mathematical modeling of gene circuits, signal transduction in prokaryotes, superfluidity in ultracold Fermi gases, high temperature superconductivity
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Chicago, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Dimitrije Stepanenko

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Basel, Switzerland.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, spintronics, quantum computing.
  • Education: Ph.D. Florida State University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Vladimir M. Stojanović

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Basel, Switzerland.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, polarons in solid-state systems.
  • Education: Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University, USA; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Dr. Mihajlo Vanević

  • Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
  • Research areas: theoretical condensed matter physics, mesoscopic transport, noise, statistics of charge transfer, circuit theory of mesoscopic transport, circuit theory of mesoscopic transport, superconductivity, field theoretical methods in condensed matter physics, quantum entanglement in many-body systems, electronic properties of graphene and related nanostructures, polarons in solid-state systems.
  • Education: Ph.D. University of Basel, Switzerland; B.S. University of Belgrade, Serbia.