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- May 14, 2010: Prof. B. K. Nikolić will give a popular lecture on "Scientific Serbian Diaspora: How physics became new Serbian brand" on June 10, 2010 at 6:00 PM at Kolarac Foundation in Belgrade, Serbia.
- March 17, 2010: The eleventh annual "Marko V. Jarić" prize for outstanding scientific achievement in physics was awarded to Dr. Cedomir Petrovic (Чедомир Петровић), Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
- March 7, 2010: Interview with Dr. Vlatko Vedral in the Observer: 'I'd like to explain the origin of God'
- The Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia has launched an on-line database Serbian Scientists Abroad.
- Draft of science and technological development strategy of the Republic of Serbia 2009-2014 published, calling for the involvement of scientific diaspora.