Magnetic field in classical physics
Using Newton second law
- Lorentz force on charge particle:
- Force on magnetic moment:
Using Hamiltonian formalism
- Free particle:
- Particle in magnetic field (replace kinetic with canonical momentum):
Magnetic field in quantum mechanics
- Convert c-numbers into operators in the classical Hamiltonian:
, where
is the vector of Pauli matrices,
is the gyromagentic ratio and
is the Bohr magenton.
- Assuming
, we see that
, which suggests that vector potential can equivalently be introduced into the Hamiltonian using
. This is derivation can be used only as a hint of heuristic value since
means that
Heuristic version of the Pierls substitution to introduce magnetic field into tight-binding Hamiltonian
- Continuing with the trivial case
, we see that tight-binding Hamiltonian:
will be transformed into
by the introduction of constant vector potential.
Exact version of the Pierls substitution to introduce magnetic field into tight-binding Hamiltonian
The correct result for the tight-binding hopping modified by the so-called Peierls substation looks similar to heuristic expressions above, except that one has to integrate
along the line joining the two sites:
since vector potential is never homogeneous for non-zero magnetic field.
Example of magnetic field in
tight-binding Hamiltonian
- Assuming a homogeneous magnetic field orthogonal to the plane of 2D lattice,
, and gauge in which
, the
matrix of the tight-binding Hamiltonian is shown below explicitly:
Matrix elements of the tight-binding Hamiltonian defined on

lattice of sites (with single orbital per site) which is placed in orthogonal magnetic field

- J. G. Analytis, S. J. Blundell, and A. Ardavan, Landau levels, molecular orbitals, and the Hofstadter butterfly in finite systems, Am. J. Phys. 72, 5 (2004).