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* A. Mazumdar and G. White, ''Review of cosmic phase transitions: their significance and experimental signatures'', Rep. Prog. Phys. '''82''', 076901 (2019). [https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6633/ab1f55 [PDF]]
* A. Mazumdar and G. White, ''Review of cosmic phase transitions: their significance and experimental signatures'', Rep. Prog. Phys. '''82''', 076901 (2019). [https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6633/ab1f55 [PDF]]

== Lecture 8: Mean-field theories of phase transitions ==
== Lecture 8: Mean-field theory of phase transitions ==
* Example: Mean-field theory of the Ising model of magnetism.
* Example: Mean-field theory of the Ising model of magnetism.
* Example: Mean-field theory of the XY model of magnetism.
* Example: Mean-field theory of the XY model of magnetism.

Revision as of 17:50, 1 May 2020

Lecture 1: Failure of classical statistical mechanics

Additional references

Lecture 2: Density operator formalism for proper and improper mixed quantum states

  • Example: Proper mixtures in spintronics.
  • Example: Entangled quantum states, improper mixtures, and decoherence in nanostructures and quantum computers.
  • Example: The von Neumann entropy as a measure of state purity.
  • Example: Proper mixtures for quantum systems in thermal equilibrium and density operator for microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles via correspondence with classical statistical mechanics.
  • Example: Density matrix and quantum partition function for a single particle in a box in canonical ensemble.
  • Example: Density matrix and quantum partition function for a linear harmonic oscillator in canonical ensemble.

Additional references

Lecture 3: Many-particle wave function and the Hilbert space of identical particles

  • Example: Wave functions of 3 fermions and 3 bosons.

Additional references

C. F. Roos, A. Alberti, D. Meschede, P. Hauke, and H. Häffner, Revealing quantum statistics with a pair of distant atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 160401 (2017). [PDF]

Lecture 4: Quantum partition function for noninteracting many-particle systems

  • Example: Quantum partition function for two bosons and two fermions and comparison with classical statistical mechanics.
  • Example: "Effective force" between noninteracting bosons and fermions due to Pauli principle.
  • Example: Quantum partition function for noninteracting bosons and fermions in the grand canonical ensemble.
  • Example: Equation of state for non-degenerate bosons and fermions.

Additional references

  • W. J. Mullin and G. Blaylock, Quantum statistics: Is there an effective fermion repulsion or boson attraction?, Am. J. Phys. 71, 1223 (2003). [PDF]
  • G. Cook and R. H. Dickerson, Understanding the chemical potential, Am. J. Phys. 63, 737 (1995). [PDF]

Lecture 5: Degenerate fermions

Additional references

Lecture 6: Degenerate bosons

  • Example: Bose-Einstein Condensation of free noninteracting bosons.
  • Example: Bose-Einstein condensation in ultracold atomic gases.
  • Off-diagonal long-range order in the density matrix of Bose-Einstein condensates.
  • Example: Heat capacity of phonons in solids.
  • Example: Magnons in the Heisenberg model of magnetism.

Additional references

  • G. Scharf, On Bose–Einstein condensation, Am. J. Phys. 61, 843 (1993). [PDF]
  • W. J. Mullin, The loop-gas approach to Bose–Einstein condensation for trapped particles, Am. J. Phys. 68, 120 (2000). [PDF]
  • K. Burnett, M. Edwards, and C. W. Clark, The theory of Bose-Einstein condensation of diluted gases, Phys. Today 52(12), 37 (1999). [PDF]
  • E. A. Cornell and C. E. Wieman, Nobel Lecture: Bose-Einstein condensation in a dilute gas, the first 70 years and some recent experiments, Rev. Mod. Phys. 74, 875 (2002). [PDF]

Lecture 7: Phase transitions

  • Example: Thermodynamics of magnetism.
  • Example: Abrupt vs. continuous phase transitions in ferromagnet-paramagnet systems and analogy with liquid-gas phase diagram.
  • Example: Phase transitions in quantum fluids, quantum chromodynamics and cosmology.
  • Example: Phase transitions in the Ising model of magnetism.
  • Example: Onsager exact analytical solution vs. Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model in two-dimensions.

Additional references

  • O. Narayan and A. P. Young, Free energies in the presence of electric and magnetic fields, Am. J. Phys. 73, 293 (2005). [PDF]
  • A. Mazumdar and G. White, Review of cosmic phase transitions: their significance and experimental signatures, Rep. Prog. Phys. 82, 076901 (2019). [PDF]

Lecture 8: Mean-field theory of phase transitions

  • Example: Mean-field theory of the Ising model of magnetism.
  • Example: Mean-field theory of the XY model of magnetism.
  • Landau phenomenological formulation of mean-field theories.
  • Landau-Ginzburg mean-field theory and the Ginzburg criterion for the importance of fluctuations.

Additional references

  • J. Als‐Nielsen and R. J. Birgeneau, Mean field theory, the Ginzburg criterion, and marginal dimensionality of phase transitions, Am. J. Phys. 45, 554 (1977). [PDF]

Lecture 9: Renormalization group (RG)

Additional references

  • K. G. Wilson, Problems in physics with many scales of length, Scientific American 241(2), 140 (1979). [PDF]
  • H. J. Maris and L. P. Kadanoff, Teaching the renormalization group, Am. J. Phys. 46, 652 (1978). [PDF]
  • M. E. Fisher, Renormalization group theory: Its basis and formulation in statistical physics, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 653 (1998). [PDF]
  • S. Sachdev and B. Keimer, Quantum criticality, Physics Today 64(2), 29 (2011). [PDF]

Lecture 10: Elements of nonequilibrium statistical physics: Boltzmann equation and Kubo formula

Lecture 11: Elements of nonequilibrium statistical physics: Master equations for open quantum systems

  • Example: Bloch equation describing for thermal relaxation and decoherence of spin-1/2.
  • Example: Decoherence in quantum Brownian motion.
  • Example: Linblad master equation.

Additional references

  • J. K. Gamble and J. F. Lindner, Demystifying decoherence and the master equation of quantum Brownian motion, Am. J. Phys. 77, 244 (2009). [PDF]